Q103. How should inert wastes be accounted for in Equation HH-1?

A103. If a facility receives a segregated waste shipment that is known to contain only inert waste materials, the waste-specific values in Table HH-1 (‘waste composition option’), could be used for that shipment quantity, and the value of zero would be assigned for the DOC and k values for that waste quantity. Often inert waste (glass, plastics, metal, etc) is co-mingled with degradable waste in a waste shipment. The DOC and k values for bulk waste in Table HH-1 account for some volume of inert wastes in the bulk waste shipments, so it is generally appropriate to use the bulk waste DOC and k values for that shipment quantity. Please note that segregated inert waste quantities are considered to be included in Equation HH-1 even though they do not contribute to methane generation. Therefore, you must report these inert waste quantities, as required in §98.346(a).

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Source: This question and answer was derived from a Legacy FAQ, revised by R. Schmeltz, 2/11/2013

Approval / Publishing History: Version 2, approved by L. Grogan-McCulloch, 2/13/2013

Expiration: none

Relevant Subparts: Subpart HH

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