This page provides an overview of Subpart F reporting through e-GGRT.
Once you have added Subpart F to the list of subparts you plan to report on, click on the "Open" link next to Subpart F.
First, you must indicate the smelting technology or configuration used at your facility. Once you have made a selection, click SAVE.
Click this link to expand
When you first open the Subpart F Overview page it will have no facility information or units reflected. In future reporting years your facility data and units will be carried over from the prior reporting year.
To start entering data click on the blue OPEN button in the Facility Information Section.
Click this link to expand
This will open the Facility Information page. After entering the information, click SAVE. This will take you back to the Subpart F Overview page.
Click this link to expand
Note that you have the option of changing the smelter technology by selecting the “Change” hyperlink.
ADD a Smelter or Potline NOT Monitored by CEMS
Click the "ADD a Smelter or Potline" link to open the Smelter Information page and add data for each Smelter or Potline.
Click this link to expand
Enter the following information:
- Name of ID
- Description (optional)
- Annual average anode effect minutes per cell-day
- Annual average anode effect frequency
- Average anode effect duration
- Smelter-specific slope coefficient
- Last date when the smelter-specific-slope coefficients (or overage emission factors) were measured
Click this link to expand
When finished, click SAVE. You will be returned to the Subpart F Overview page.
Repeat the above process for each smelter or potline.
From the Subpart F Overview page, click the OPEN button for the Smelter or Potline. This will open the Smelter or Potline PFC Emissions Summary page.
Click this link to expand
Enter the following information:
- Annual CF4 (perfluoromethane) mass emissions. See Subpart F Entering Equation Inputs Using IVT for instructions on how to enter your equation inputs in the inputs verifier module.
- Annual C2F6 (prefluoroethane) mass emissions. See Subpart F Entering Equation Inputs Using IVT for instructions on how to enter your equation inputs in the inputs verifier module.
After entering equation inputs in the inputs verifier module, the results will be displayed on the Smelter or Potline PFC Emissions Summary page.
NOTE: If you wish to report your own result, click on the "Enter/Report Alternate Result" check box and enter the data in the "Enter Own Result" field.
Click this link to expand
After finishing, click the Subpart Overview button to return to the Subpart F Overview page.
In the ENTER GHG DATA section at the bottom of the page, click the GO button to begin entering the annual CO2 emissions from anode consumption and baking. See the Subpart F Entering Equation Inputs Using IVT for instructions on how to enter your equation inputs in the inputs verifier module.
Click this link to expand
When finished, click SAVE.
Next, click the Facility Overview button.
NOTE: If you wish to report your own result, click on the "Enter/Report Alternate Result" check box and enter the data in the "Enter Own Result" field.
Click this link to expand
ADD a Smelter or Potline (Monitored by CEMS)
If a Smelter or Potline at your facility is monitored by CEMS for the reporting year, select the option to, "ADD a Smelter or Potline Monitored by CEMS".
Click this link to expand
Enter the following information:
- Name of ID
- Description (optional)
- Annual average anode effect minutes per cell-day
- Annual average anode effect frequency
- Average anode effect duration
- Smelter-specific slope coefficient
- Last date when the smelter-specific-slope coefficients (or overage emission factors) were measured
When finished, click SAVE. You will be returned to the Subpart F Overview page.
Repeat the above process for each smelter or potline.
From the Subpart F Overview page, click the OPEN button for the Smelter or Potline. This will open the Smelter or Potline PFC Emissions Summary page.
Click this link to expand
Enter the following information:
- Annual CF4 (perfluoromethane) mass emissions. See Subpart F Entering Equation Inputs Using IVT for instructions on how to enter your equation inputs in the inputs verifier module.
- Annual C2F6 (prefluoroethane) mass emissions. See Subpart F Entering Equation Inputs Using IVT for instructions on how to enter your equation inputs in the inputs verifier module.
After entering equation inputs in the inputs verifier module, the results will be displayed on the Smelter or Potline PFC Emissions Summary page.
NOTE: If you wish to report your own result, click on the "Enter/Report Alternate Result" check box and enter the data in the "Enter Own Result" field.
Click this link to expand
After finishing, click the Subpart Overview button to return to the Subpart F Overview page.
Add/Edit CEMS Monitoring Location
Once you have identified an item monitored by CEMS, click the blue "Add a CEMS monitoring location" under the "CEMS Monitoring Locaiton (CML) Summary" and follow the instructions below.
To add a CML, click the “Add a CEMS Monitoring Location” link below the CEMS MONITORING LOCATION (CML) SUMMARY table on the Subpart Overview page The screenshot below is from Subpart G and is displayed as an example. The screen for other subparts may differ slightly.
Click this link to expand For each CEMS Monitoring Location, provide the following information: Do not leave any of these fields blank. If, for example, your facility has no biogenic CO2 emissions, enter '0'. For assistance in calculating annual CH4 and N2O emissions using Equation C-10, access the optional calculation spreadsheet by clicking one of the links titled “Use Equation C-10 spreadsheet to calculate” located below each of the red emissions information data entry boxes and follow the provided instructions To identify the process units monitored at a CML, first click the link titled “ADD/REMOVE a process unit that exhausts to this CEMS Monitoring Location” at the bottom of the page The screenshot below is from Subpart G and is displayed as an example. The screen for other subparts may differ slightly.
Click this link to expand On the CML Process Units Selection page, use the check boxes to select the process unit(s) monitored at this CML. This will indicate that the unit(s) selected vent emission through the stack monitored by this CML. The screenshot below is from Subpart G and is displayed as an example. The screen for other subparts will differ slightly depending on the number of units with emissions monitored by a single CML at your facility.
Click this link to expand When finished selecting process unit for the CML and entering additional required information (if applicable), click SAVE. You should then be directed back to the Add/Edit a CML Location form and see the units you selected listed in the CEMS MONITORING LOCATION (CML) PROCESS UNITS table. When you have finished entering data for a CML, click SAVE. You will then return to the Subpart Overview page. You will see the status of data entry for the CML updated to “Complete” in the Status column in the CEMS MONITORING LOCATION (CML) SUMMARY table. If you don't have all the data, you can enter some now, save it, and finish later by clicking on the hyperlinked name of the CML in the CEMS MONITORING LOCATION (CML) SUMMARY table. After you save the data on this page, the next time you open the page, the calculator on the top of the page will display the CO2 process emissions for the CML, rounded to the nearest 0.1 of a metric ton. The value displayed is for informational purposes only. Repeat Steps 1-4 until emissions information has been entered for all CMLs. If you have missed something, the validation report messages will help you identify any incomplete entries.Step 1: Add a CEMS Monitoring Location (CML)
Step 2: Define a CML and report emissions information
Step 3: Identify process units monitored at a CML
Step 4: Save entered data for a CML
Step 5: Repeat Steps 1-4
Subpart Validation Report
The Validation Report assists you with determining the completeness and quality of your reported data. We strongly encourage you to use the Validation Report to check your work. The Validation Report performs two types of checks: Certain validation checks which are considered to represent critical errors must be corrected before you can successfully generate and submit your Annual Report. These checks are signified with a stop sign You may view the Validation Report at any time. Note that the Validation Report is intended to assist users in entering data, but it is not an indication that the reporter has entered all necessary information, nor is it an indication that the reporter is in compliance with part 98. Furthermore, a negative finding on the validation report is not a guarantee that a data element was entered incorrectly. For more detail on the Validation Report and its functionality please review the Subpart Validation Report page.