Q674. My facility generates construction and demolition (C&D) waste, among other waste streams. Do I need to report my C&D waste?

A674. Dedicated C&D waste landfills, as defined in §98.468 of the rule, are not included in the Industrial Waste Landfill source category. However, landfills that accept C&D waste along with other industrial waste streams, must include that C&D waste in their calculations and report information about that waste stream. With regard to the appropriate DOC value to use for C&D waste streams, the reporter may use either the default value in Table TT-1, DOC=0.08, or measurement data (measured DOCx from an anaerobic biodegradation test or a DOCx value imputed from measured volatile solids concentration). Reporting requirements include a description of the waste stream and the quantity of waste disposed of in the landfill for each waste stream, among other data elements.

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Source: This question and answer was developed by EPA subpart TT SMEs.

Approval / Publishing History: Version 1

Expiration : none

Relevant Subparts: Subpart TT

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