Subpart SS - Equation SS-6

Subpart SS - Equation SS-6

Please see Reporting Form Instructions instructions on downloading the blank reporting form and uploading the completed reporting form.

You may also refer to Optional Calculation Spreadsheet Instructions to download the Subpart SS calculation spreadsheet.

5a.) Enter the required equation inputs in the table to calculate the Total annual SF6 or PFC emissions from equipment installation at electric transmission or distribution facilities according to Equation SS-6 for each applicable gas. To override a calculated result and report an alternative value, use columns A6 & A7 in the table. All calculations are made using unrounded values.

For each GHG identified, e-GGRT will require you to report the following parameters (all collected on an annual basis):

  • The pounds of SF6 and PFCs used to fill equipment at off-site electric power transmission or distribution locations (MF of Equation SS-6 of this subpart) during the year.
  • The pounds of SF6 and PFCs used to charge the equipment prior to leaving the electrical equipment manufacturer or refurbishment facility (MC of Equation SS-6 of this subpart) during the year.
  • The nameplate capacity of the equipment, in pounds, installed at off-site electric power transmission or distribution locations used to determine emissions from installation (NI of Equation SS-6 of this subpart) during the year.

5b.) Fill out the following table with information about your use of missing data for inputs to Equation SS-6 and other required data elements pursuant to 98.3(c)(8) for each applicable gas.

For each GHG identified, complete the following table to indicate whether or not missing data are used. If yes for a column, provide the reason the data is missiong and the method used to estimate substitute data.

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