Subpart SS - Equation SS-1

Subpart SS - Equation SS-1

Please see Reporting Form Instructions instructions on downloading the blank reporting form and uploading the completed reporting form.

You may also refer to Optional Calculation Spreadsheet Instructions to download the Subpart SS calculation spreadsheet.

The Equation SS-1 worksheet should be completed by all facilities. General facility information and missing data information is required in section 2a. You are required to report inputs to emission equations for RY2012. That data should be entered in section 2b-2d. Section 2e calculates user emissions using Equation SS-1 and the inputs entered in sections 2b-2d. Cells should be left blank for gases that are not applicable.

2a.) Fill out the following table with information about this facility and your use of missing data for required data elements pursuant to 98.3(c)(8) for each applicable gas.

For each GHG identified, complete the following table to indicate whether or not missing data are used. If yes for a column, provide the reason the data is missiong and the method used to estimate substitute data.

2b.) Enter the required equation inputs in the table to calculate the Decrease in SF6 and PFC Inventories according to the equation below for each applicable gas (§98.453(a)). To override a calculated result and report an alternative value, use columns B5 & B6 in the table.

For each GHG identified, e-GGRT will require you to report the pounds of SF6 and PFCs stored in containers at the beginning and end of the year.

2c.) Enter the required equation inputs in the table to calculate the Acquisitions of SF6 and PFC according to the equation below for each applicable gas (§98.453(a)). To override a calculated result and report an alternative value, use columns C6 & C7 in the table.

For each GHG identified, e-GGRT will require you to report the pounds of SF6 and PFCs that were:

  • Purchased in bulk.
  • Returned by equipment users with or inside equipment.
  • Returned to the site from off-site after recycling. If you report that a GHG was sent off site for recycling at the end of the year and that GHG is returned to the facility at the beginning of the next year, the transfer will be reported as a disbursement in one year and an acquistion in the next year. Negative emissions are not to be permitted according to 98.454(h)(2).

2d.) Enter the required equation inputs in the table to calculate the Disbursements of SF6 and PFC according to the equation below for each applicable gas (§98.453(a)). To override a calculated result and report an alternative value, use columns D8 & D9 in the table.

For each GHG identified, e-GGRT will require you to report the pounds of SF6 and PFCs that were:

  • Inside new equipment delivered to customers during the year.
  • Delivered to equipment users in containers during the year.
  • Returned to suppliers during the year.
  • Sent offsite for destruction during the year.
  • Sent offsite to be recycled during the year. If you report that a GHG was sent off site for recycling at the end of the year and that GHG is returned to the facility at the beginning of the next year, the transfer will be reported as a disbursement in one year and an acquistion in the next year. Negative emissions are not to be permitted according to 98.454(h)(2).

2e.) The table below calculates pounds of User Emissions per gas using to Equation SS-1 and your entries in sections 2b-2d above. All calculations are made using unrounded values.

There is no data entry into this table as it does the calculations from your entries into 2b-2d.

This web site is maintained by a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (RY2023.R.01)