Subpart SS - 98.453(h)

Subpart SS - 98.453(h)

Please see Reporting Form Instructions instructions on downloading the blank reporting form and uploading the completed reporting form.

You may also refer to Optional Calculation Spreadsheet Instructions to download the Subpart SS calculation spreadsheet.

Tab "98.453(h)" requires you to enter information in the following tables for each SF6 or PFC that is applicable to your facility. This worksheet should be completed by facilities that calculated mass of SF6 or the PFC disbursed to customers in new equipment during the reporting year using the nameplate capacity of the equipment or, in cases where equipment is shipped with a partial charge, by calculating the partial shipping charge per 98.453(h).

4a.) Fill out the following table if you used the nameplate capacity or partial charge in new equipment to determine the mass of GHG delivered during the reporting year. In the table, data is required for each applicable GHG and for each unique make, model, and group of conditions identified.

e-GGRT will allow you to identify whether or not the method specified in 98.453h was used. If yes, for each GHG identified and for each make, model, and group of conditions identified, e-GGRT will require the facility to report:

  • The mean value mass of SF6 or the PFC disbursed to customers in pounds.
  • The associated make, model, and group of conditions.
  • Number of Samples.
  • Upper and lower bounds on the 95 percent CI(pounds).

Since this item requires reporting below the GHG level (e.g. each make, model, and group of conditions), you should use text to describe these combinations. It is up to you, the reporter, to describe rather than to have numerical fields. The data are to be collected annually (i.e. period p = 1).

4b.)In the table below, identify if missing data are used for each of the data elements required in the table above for each applicable GHG and for each make, model, and group of conditions identified.

For each unique make, model, and group of conditions identifier, complete the following table to indicate whether or not missing data are used. If yes for a column, provide the reason the data is missiong and the method used to estimate substitute data.

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