Subpart TT Landfill Details for this Facility

This page provides a step-by-step description of how to enter summary information on industrial waste landfills as required by Subpart TT of the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program.

Much of the information on the form below is necessary to determine which annual reporting requirements apply to your landfill (e.g., does your landfill have a landfill gas collection system?). The answers you provide on this screen will determine what Greenhouse gas reporting elements are made available on your Subpart TT Overview page.

Adding or Updating Landfill Details for this Facility

Click image to expand

To add or modify Subpart TT summary information for this industrial waste landfill, press the OPEN button located opposite "Landfill Details."

Landfill Details must be populated before other information about the landfill and its emissions can be entered.

Click image to expand

The following industrial waste landfill information is collected for Subpart TT:

  • Indicate if the landfill was open or closed in 2012. A landfill is considered open if it is actively receiving waste in the reporting year or expects to receive waste in future years. A landfill that closed during the reporting year, but also received waste during the reporting year is considered open for the particular reporting year. A landfill is considered closed if it did not receive waste in the reporting year and does not expect to receive waste in any future years.
    • If the landfill was open in 2012, indicate the year in which the landfill first started accepting waste for disposal.
    • If the landfill was open in 2012, indicate the year in which the landfill is expected to close.
    • If the landfill was closed prior to and not during 2012, indicate the last year that the landfill accepted waste and the capacity of that landfill.
    • The capacity of the landfill in metric tons.

Landfill Gas Collection System

  • Indicate if the landfill has a gas collection system (select Yes or No).

A landfill gas collection system means a system of pipes used to collect landfill gas from different locations in the landfill by means of a fan or similar mechanical draft equipment to a single location for treatment or use. A single landfill may have multiple gas collection systems. Landfill gas collection systems do not include "passive" systems, whereby landfill gas flows naturally to the surface of the landfill where an opening or pipe (vent) is installed to allow for natural gas flow.

If the landfill has a landfill gas collection system, provide the following information:

  • The manufacturer of the gas collection system.
  • The capacity of the system in actual cubic feet per minute (acfm).
  • The number of wells present at the landfill.
  • The annual operating hours for the gas collection system (fREC in equations HH-7 and HH-8) per 98.346(i)(7).

For manufacturer of the gas collection system, indicate the entity that designed the gas collection system and the entity that installed the gas collection system. If this information is not available, report the manufacturer of the blower. Do not use this space to indicate the manufacturer of the flares in the place at the landfill. Also, do not use this space to indicate the brand of measurement equipment used to monitor landfill gas flow or methane concentration.

Landfill Passive Vents and Leachate Recirculation

  • Indicate if passive vents and/or flares are present (other than as part of a gas collection system, as defined above) (check the box if passive vents and/or flares are present).
  • Indicate if leachate recirculation is used at the landfill during the emissions reporting year (check the box if leachate recirculation is used).
  • Indicate the typical frequency with which leachate recirculation was used over the past 10 years. Choose one of the following:
    • Used several times a year for the past 10 years
    • Used at least once a year for the past 10 years
    • Used occasionally (but not every year) over the past 10 years
    • Not used for the past 10 years

Cover Materials

  • Identify each type of cover material in use at the landfill. For each cover material used, identify the surface area (in square meters) of the landfill sections that contain waste and that are associated with the selected cover type. Choose from the following cover types (more than one type of cover may be selected) and enter the surface area into the box that pops up next to it:
    • Organic
    • Clay
    • Sand
    • Other soil mixture (this should be selected for any cover type other than organic, clay, or sand)

Equation TT-1 Details

Subpart TT also requires you to indicate the following:

  • If the fraction of CH4 in the landfill gas (F) as used in Equation TT-1 was based on measured values, check the box and enter the measured value (dry basis and corrected to 0% oxygen) as a percentage expressed as a decimal fraction. If no measured value was used, do NOT check the box, and a default value of 0.5 will be used.
  • If the facility used a measured value for the MCF in Equation TT-1 of this subpart, check the box and enter the MCF as a decimal fraction. If the MCF default value was used, do NOT check the box and the default value will be entered as 1.0. If you check the box that you did not use the default value for MCF, that means that you must have active aeration at your landfill. Enter the following information about the aeration system in place at the landfill:
    • The aeration blower capacity (in scfm)
    • The fraction of the landfill containing waste affected by aeration (enter the percentage expressed as a decimal fraction)
    • The total number of hours during the year in which the aeration blower was operated
    • Other factors that were used as a basis for the MCF value that was used.
    • Any additional description of the aeration system (e.g., the number of blowers).

Method 3 (Equation TT-4a) Data

Please note the yellow box: "The following data are required to be reported only if you used Method #3 (Equation TT-4a) to estimate the historic waste quantities for one or more waste streams. If you did not use Equation TT-4a to estimate historic waste quantities for any waste stream, you do not need to report this data."

The questions in this section should only be answered if Equation TT-4a was used to calculate waste disposal quantities in years prior to the reporting year. If Equation TT-4a was used, enter the following information:

  • If the landfill is open, enter the capacity of the landfill in metric tons used (or the total quantity of waste-in-place) at the end of the "YrData" from design drawings or engineering estimates.
  • An indication as to whether waste quantity information are available for some years or not available for any years. Note that this is not a specific data reporting requirement in citation 98.466, but is needed in order for e-GGRT to properly collect the following:
    • When landfills have waste quantity data available for some years, enter the year prior to the year when waste disposal data are first available for all subsequent years from company records.
    • When landfills do not have waste quantity data for any years, enter the year in which the landfill last received waste.
  • An indication as whether the facility knows when the landfill was opened. One of the following two scenarios will result depending on your answer:
    • If you know when the facility was opened, either enter the year 1960 or the year in which the landfill first received waste from company records, whichever is more recent.
    • If you do not know the year in which the landfill first received waste from company records, the year 1960 will be pre-populated by e-GGRT.

The Number of Waste Streams added is automatically populated by e-GGRT based on how many waste streams are reported at the landfill. If no waste streams have yet been reported, this number will be zero. Information on how to add waste streams, as required by the system, may be found at Subpart TT Waste Stream Summary Information.

When you have entered the required information, click SAVE. You will be brought back to the top of the Landfill Details page at which time you may check over the information you entered. When you have completed your check, click SUBPART OVERVIEW to return to the Subpart Overview page.

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