How do I share a map of facilities in my county?

This page provides step-by-step instruction for using the Data Publication Tool to share data.

Step 1. Go to the FLIGHT

When you first enter the Facility Level Information on Greenhouse Gases Tool (FLIGHT), you will be presented with three search options:

  1. View all U.S. Facility Data
  2. View Facilities in your State
  3. Create a Custom Search

Click image to expand below

Step 2. Select a state

Use the "View Facilities in your State" search option to choose a state from the drop-down menu.

Click image to expand below

Step 3. Select a county

Use the drop-down menu above the map window to select a county.

Click image to expand below

Step 4. Frame the county

Use the map controls to zoom and pan until the county is properly framed.

Click image to expand below

Step 5. Share the map

Mouse-over or click the "Share" button near the top of the screen and select a sharing option in the popup window.

Click image to expand below

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