How do I find GHG data from Suppliers, Facilities that Inject C02, or Onshore Oil and Gas Production?

Note that there are three types of reporters under the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program: direct emitters, suppliers and facilities that inject CO2 underground. Direct emitters are entities that emit GHGs directly from their facilities as a result of combustion or processing onsite. Suppliers are facilities or entities that supply certain products (e.g., fossil fuels or certain industrial gases) into the economy that, when combusted, released, or oxidized, result in GHG emissions. The emissions do not take place at the suppliers' reporting location. CO2 injection facilities report the quantity of CO2 received for injection, including for use in enhanced oil and gas recovery. Facilities reporting under the Onshore Oil and Gas Production source category are included in the direct emitters portion of the tool, but you can also isolate these facilities and view a GIS layer outlining the boarders of each basin where facilities in this industry operate.

This page provides step-by-step instruction for finding data from suppliers.

Step 1. Go to FLIGHT

When you first enter the Facility Level Information on Greenhouse Gases Tool (FLIGHT), you will be presented with three search options:

  1. View all U.S. Facility Data
  2. View Facilities in your State
  3. Create a Custom Search

Click image to expand below

Step 2. Select national search option

Click the box at the left of the popup window to View all U.S. Facility Data.

Click image to expand below

Step 3. Select Suppliers, CO2 Injection, or Onshore Oil and Gas Production from the Data Type Drop Down Menu

By default, the tool will display information from direct emitters. To switch from direct emitter data to supplier data, data reported by facilities that inject CO2 or Onshore Oil and Gas Production click the "Data Type" drop down at the top left of the screen. You can now select the data type of interest.

Click image to expand below

Step 4. Select search method (if viewing supplier data)

You may choose a supplier sector or perform a custom search if viewing supplier data using the search box and drop-down menu in the top left corner.

Click image to expand below

The page will display with your search results. From this page you can continue searching and viewing supplier details.

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