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Wiki Markup
Q739. How does the data reported under the GHGRP compare to the data reported to the California Air Resources Board (CARB)?

A739. The GHGRP covers the same sources of emissions as CARB, but there are differences in the reporting thresholds as well as how facilities are defined. For the 2011 reporting year, CARB had a different definition for onshore production facilities than the GHGRP. The practical implication is that individual CARB facilities reporting under onshore production may be significantly larger than comparable GHGRP facilities. However, there will be more facilities in the GHGRP and those facilities will cover the same emissions as the single CARB facility. It is not expected that the total emissions coverage will be significantly different between the GHGRP and CARB.

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{panel}Updated on {page-info:modified-date|dateformat=dd/MM/YY HH:mm}\\  {panel}
Source: Brian Cook, 2/1/2013 (W Data release FAQs 2-1-13 3pm (2).doc)

Approval / Publishing History: Version 1

Expiration: none

Relevant Subpart/Component: Subpart W, General
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