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[!print_16.gif|border=0!|^Facility_Registration.pdf] A printer-friendly version (pdf) (15 pp, 3,438K) of the Facility Registration
{anchor:Facility and Supplier Registration for Part 75 Reporters}
h3. Facility and Supplier Registration for Part 75 Reporters
If your facility or supply operation does not report under 40 CFR 75, see below [#Facility and Supplier Registration Non-Part 75 Reporters]
The diagram and the accompanying text below present an overview of the multi-step facility/supplier registration process for facilities that report emissions under Part 75.
h4. 1. Initiation
For facilities that report under Part 75, the facility registration process is initiated when the Designated Representative (DR) or the Alternate Designated Representative (ADR) of a Part 75 facility registers as an e-GGRT user. During the user registration process, you will be asked if you are the DR or ADR of a Part 75 facility, and if so, if you have a user account in the CAMD Business System (CBS). If you indicate that you have a CBS user account, you will be prompted to enter your CBS user name and password.
If you successfully enter your CBS user name and password, your e-GGRT account will be automatically linked to CBS and all of your Part 75 facilities will be automatically registered in e-GGRT. If you do not remember your CBS password or your CBS user account is locked, you should navigate to the CBS system at {html}<a href="" target="_blank"></a>{html} to reset your CBS user account before completing the e-GGRT user registration process. Once you complete the e-GGRT user registration process, you will immediately be able to log in to e-GGRT to complete the facility registration process by signing Certificates of Representation for all Part 75 facilities that you represent.
Most DRs and ADRs of Part 75 facilities have already signed an Electronic Signature Agreement for the CBS system, so they will not need to sign a separate agreement for e-GGRT.
If you do not have a CBS user account or you do not remember you CBS user name, you should indicate that you do not have a CBS account. After you complete the e-GGRT User registration process, the e-GGRT Help Desk will manually link your e-GGRT account to CBS, and send an email notice to the email address that was entered in your user profile when they have done so. All of your Part 75 facilities will have been automatically imported into e-GGRT at this time. With the exception noted below, you will then be able to log in to e GGRT to complete the facility registration process by signing Certificates of Representation for all Part 75 facilities that you represent.
*Note:* Any DR/ADR who has not signed an Electronic Signature Agreement for CBS will be asked to sign, date and mail in your Electronic Signature Agreement. After EPA receives and processes your Electronic Signature Agreement, EPA will send an account activation notice to the email address that was entered in your user profile. You will not be able to log in to e GGRT continue the Facility Registration process until e-GGRT has activated your user account.
{include:Registration Deadline}
_Sign the Certificate of Representation_
After the e-GGRT user account of the DR or the ADR has been linked to CBS, both the DR and the ADR will be able to log in to e-GGRT to review and electronically sign the Certificate of Representation of all Part 75 facilities represented by the DR/ADR. This electronic signature establishes the DR/ADR's authority to certify, sign and submit annual Greenhouse gas (GHG) reports to EPA.
Each facility must have a complete Certificate of Representation in order to submit the annual GHG report to EPA.
Upon signing the Certificate of Registration, the DR/ADR will have the opportunity to appoint one or more Agents to act on his/her behalf by using the FACILITY MANAGEMENT tab. Please note that a representative does not need to have an Agent for a facility.
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h4. 2. EPA Review
EPA will review all Agent appointments made by the DR and ADR and after approval send the Agent an email invitation containing an invitation code.
h4. 3. Agent Acceptance
After receiving the invitation from EPA, the Agent will need to log in to e-GGRT to accept the appointment. If the Agent does not yet have an e-GGRT account, the individual must first complete the e-GGRT user registration process. Once EPA has received and approved the Agent's Electronic Signature Agreement, the Agent can then enter his/her invitation to code to accept (or reject) the appointment.
h4. 5. DR/ADR Delegation
After the Agent accepts the email invitation, the DR or ADR who appointed the Agent will need to log in to e-GGRT and electronically sign the Notice of Delegation that formally establishes the delegation.
h3. Reporting Under Subparts LL or MM
If you are a Supplier of Coal-based Liquid Fuels (subpart LL) or Supplier of Petroleum Products (subpart MM), then you must use the Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQREG) to report for those operations. E-GGRT will not support subpart LL or MM reporting. However, if your facility or supplier is required to report under any other subpart in addition to LL or MM, for example subpart C stationary combustion, then you will have to register in e-GGRT and submit a separate Certificate of Representation and annual GHG report for those subparts.
{anchor:Facility and Supplier Registration Non-Part 75 Reporters}
h3. Facility and Supplier Registration Non-Part 75 Reporters
If your facility is subject to 40 CFR 75, see [#Facility and Supplier Registration for Part 75 Reporters].
The diagram and the accompanying text below present an overview of the multi-step facility/supplier registration process for facilities or suppliers that do NOT report emissions under Part 75.
h4. 1. Initiation
Once you are an e-GGRT user, you can log in to e-GGRT to begin the facility/supplier registration process by clicking REGISTER A FACILITY from the e-GGRT Home Page. E-GGRT will ask you to complete a facility profile, including address and owner/operator information. You will begin by performing a zip code search to see if your facility or supplier is already in registered in e-GGRT.
After you identify the facility/supplier, you must then identify the Designated Representative (DR). All facilities and suppliers must have a DR in order to report. If you identify yourself as DR, EPA will send you an electronic invitation. If you identify someone other than yourself as DR, e-GGRT will send that individual an electronic invitation to register as a user and accept the invitation.
You may also identify an Alternate Designated Representative (ADR) for the facility, but this is optional. When the DR accepts the appointment, the DR will have the opportunity to confirm or change the assignment of the ADR.
You may also identify one or more persons to be an Agent, but this too is optional. When accepting an appointment, the DR or ADR will have the opportunity to confirm or change the assignment of Agents.
{include:CBI warning}
h4. 2. EPA Review
EPA will review all appointments and send the DR, ADR or Agent an email invitation containing an invitation code.
h4. 3. DR/ADR Acceptance
After receiving the invitation from EPA, the DR/ADR will need to log in to e-GGRT to accept his/her appointment. If this individual does not yet have an e-GGRT account, he/she must first complete the e-GGRT user registration process. Once EPA has received and approved the DR/ADR's Electronic Signature Agreement, the DR/ADR can then log in and enter his/her invitation code to accept (or reject) the appointment.
When accepting the appointment, the DR may appoint an ADR to act on his/her behalf. If the person registering the facility previously identified someone to be the ADR, the DR will be able to confirm this selection, choose a different person or select no one to be the ADR. Please note that a facility/supplier does not need to have an ADR.
Both the DR and the ADR may appoint one or more Agents to act on the representative's behalf. Please note that a facility does not need to have an Agent.
After accepting his/her appointment, the DR/ADR will review and electronically sign the Certificate of Representation, which establishes the DR/ADR's authority to certify, sign and submit annual Greenhouse gas (GHG) reports to EPA.
{include:Registration Deadline}
h4. 4. Agent Acceptance
After receiving the email invitation from EPA, the Agent will need to log in to e-GGRT to accept the appointment. The Agent must have an e-GGRT account to complete the e-GGRT user registration process. Once EPA has received and approved the Agent's Electronic Signature Agreement, the Agent can then log in and enter his/her invitation code to accept (or reject) the appointment.
h4. 5. DR/ADR Delegation
After the Agent accepts the email invitation, the DR or ADR who appointed the Agent will need to log in to e-GGRT and electronically sign the Notice of Delegation that formally establishes the delegation. |
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