Facility Registration

Facility and Supplier Registration

The diagram and the accompanying text below present an overview of the multi-step facility/supplier registration process for facilities or suppliers.

1. Initiation

Once you are an e-GGRT user, you can log in to e-GGRT to begin the facility/supplier registration process by clicking REGISTER A FACILITY from the e-GGRT Home Page. e-GGRT will ask you to complete a facility profile, including address and owner/operator information. You will begin by performing a zip code search to see if your facility or supplier is already in registered in e-GGRT.

After you identify the facility/supplier, you must then identify the Designated Representative (DR). All facilities and suppliers must have a DR in order to report. If you identify yourself as DR, EPA will send you an electronic invitation. If you identify someone other than yourself as DR, e-GGRT will send that individual an electronic invitation to register as a user and accept the invitation.

You may also identify an Alternate Designated Representative (ADR) for the facility, but this is optional. When the DR accepts the appointment, the DR will have the opportunity to confirm or change the assignment of the ADR.

You may also identify one or more persons to be an Agent, but this too is optional. When accepting an appointment, the DR or ADR will have the opportunity to confirm or change the assignment of Agents.

Please note that you cannot have more than one role at a single facility in e-GGRT. For example, you cannot be both the DR and an Agent at the same facility.

If you are reporting confidential business information (CBI), please note that the DR, ADR and Agents have equal ability to access, view, enter and submit all e-GGRT data for a facility or supplier.

2. EPA Review

EPA will review all appointments and send the DR, ADR or Agent an email invitation containing an invitation code.

3. DR/ADR Acceptance

After receiving the invitation from EPA, the DR/ADR will need to log in to e-GGRT to accept his/her appointment. If this individual does not yet have an e-GGRT account, he/she must first complete the e-GGRT user registration process. Once EPA has approved the DR/ADR’s Electronic Signature Agreement (ESA), the DR/ADR can then log in and enter his/her invitation code to accept (or reject) the appointment.

When accepting the appointment, the DR may appoint an ADR to act on his/her behalf. If the person registering the facility previously identified someone to be the ADR, the DR will be able to confirm this selection, choose a different person or select no one to be the ADR. Please note that a facility/supplier does not need to have an ADR.

Both the DR and the ADR may appoint one or more Agents to act on the representative’s behalf. Please note that a facility does not need to have an Agent.

After accepting his/her appointment, the DR/ADR will review and electronically sign the Certificate of Representation, which establishes the DR/ADR's authority to certify, sign and submit annual Greenhouse gas (GHG) reports to EPA.

4. Agent Acceptance

After receiving the email invitation from EPA, the Agent will need to log in to e-GGRT to accept the appointment. The Agent must have an e-GGRT account to complete the e-GGRT user registration process. Once EPA has approved the Agent’s Electronic Signature Agreement, the Agent can then log in and enter his/her invitation code to accept (or reject) the appointment.

5. DR/ADR Delegation

After the Agent accepts the email invitation, the DR or ADR who appointed the Agent will need to log in to e-GGRT and electronically sign the Notice of Delegation (NOD) that formally establishes the delegation.

For more information addressing Facility Registration, refer to the following pages:

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This web site is maintained by a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (RY2024.R.01)