Q810. How do I turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer version 9 or later?
A810.All features of FLIGHT work properly in Internet Explorer (IE) versions 9 or later. However, if IE’s Compatibility View is turned on and the Document Mode is set to IE version 8 or earlier, then FLIGHT will not display properly. To check your Document Mode setting, click on the gear cog in the upper-right corner of your browser, and then select F12 Developer Tools.
In Developer Tools, click the Document Mode menu. A checkmark will be displayed next to you current Document Mode. If your Document Mode is IE 8 or earlier, then FLIGHT will not work properly. Please change your Document Mode to IE 9 or later
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Source: Brian Cook, (IE8 Compatibility Mode FAQ.docx |
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Source: Brian Cook, (IE8 Compatibility Mode FAQ.docx
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