{tr}{td}*[FLIGHT Basics]*{td}{tr}
{tr}{td}*[Tutorials|FLIGHT Tutorials]*{td}{tr}
{tr}{td}*[About the GHG Reporting Program|About the GHG Reporting Program]*{td}{tr}
{tr}{td}*[About the Data]*{td}{tr}
{tr}{td}*[Download the Data|http://www.epa.gov/ghgreporting/ghg-reporting-program-data-sets]*{td}{tr}
{tr}{td}*[Return to FLIGHT|http://ghgdata.epa.gov/ghgp/main.do]*{td}{tr}
{tr}{td}*[Known Technical Issues]*{td}{tr}
{tr}{td}*[FAQs|faq:GHG Data and Publication]*{td}{tr}
{tr}{td}*[Contact Us]*{td}{tr}
This short video demonstrates the features of FLIGHT, providing a few examples of the types of queries that can be performed.
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_Click image to view video overview_
[!caveat 010512.jpg|width=400px,border=1!|FLIGHT Overview Tutorial]
This short video demonstrates the features of FLIGHT, providing a few examples of the types of queries that can be performed.