As of February 2014, the Excel-based Subpart F Reporting Form has been retired and replaced by web-based data entry screens. These new screens provide a better opportunity for immediate validation of your data and will help reduce the number of call backs and verification messages you receive from EPA. If you wish to resubmit a Subpart F report from reporting year 2010, 2011 or 2012 you must resubmit using the new web form-based application.
This page provides an overview of Subpart F reporting through e-GGRT.
Once you have added Subpart F to the list of subparts you plan to report on, click on the "Open" link next to Subpart F.
Before you begin entering Subpart F data you must first indicate the smelting technology or configuration used at your facility as pictured below. You must select Center Worked Prebaked, Side Worked Prebaked, Horizontal Stud Soderberg, or Vertical Stud Soderberg. Once you have selected one using the radio button click "Save".
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When you first open the Subpart F Overview page it will have no facility information or units reflected. In future reporting years your facility data and units will be carried over from the prior reporting year. To start entering data click on the blue "Open" button in the Facility Information Section as indicated below.
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This will open the Facility Information page. Once you enter Facility Information as indicated on image below click "Save". This will take you back to the Facility Overview page.
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Now you can add data for each Smelter or Potline. Click "Add a Smelter or Potline" as indicated below to open the Smelter Information page.
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Enter the smelter or potline name, description, and the date of the last smelter-specific slope coefficient measurement. When you have completed these data click "Save". You will be returned to the Subpart F Overview page.
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Repeat the above process to enter each of you smelter or potlines. Then enter your CF4 (perfluoromethane) and C2F6 (prefluoroethane) emissions and you CO2 emissions from anode consumption and baking.
After completing all of your smelter or potlines, your overview page will look like the example page below. Click "Save" when you are done.
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Subpart Validation Report
The Validation Report assists you with determining the completeness and quality of your reported data. We strongly encourage you to use the Validation Report to check your work. The Validation Report performs two types of checks: Certain validation checks which are considered to represent critical errors must be corrected before you can successfully generate and submit your Annual Report. These checks are signified with a stop sign You may view the Validation Report at any time. Note that the Validation Report is intended to assist users in entering data, but it is not an indication that the reporter has entered all necessary information, nor is it an indication that the reporter is in compliance with part 98. Furthermore, a negative finding on the validation report is not a guarantee that a data element was entered incorrectly. For more detail on the Validation Report and its functionality please review the Subpart Validation Report page.