Subpart Q Emissions Information for Coke Pushing Operations for RY2014 and Later Years

This page provides step-by-step instructions on how to enter and edit Subpart Q Iron and Steel Production emissions information for coke pushing operations. Emissions from coke pushing should include coke pushed at both byproduct and non-recovery coke pushing operations.

Step 1: Select a Coke Pushing Operation

To select a coke pushing operation for which to enter emissions data, find the operation in the COKE PUSHING OPERATIONS table and click OPEN.

Click this link to expand

Step 2: Access the Inputs Verifier Tool (IVT)

For each coke pushing operation at your facility, Subpart Q requires the following emissions information:

  • The annual CO2 equivalent process emissions (in metric tons CO2e)

To calculate emissions from a coke pushing operation in metric tons CO2e, multiply the metric tons of coal charged to the coke ovens during the reporting period by 0.008 (Note that there is NOT a calculation spreadsheet that does this).

In the Annual Result section, you will see a block labeled "Use Inputs Verifier to calculate" and a green "Go" button.  Click "Go" to open the inputs verifier module for Subpart Q.

Click this link to expand

Step 3: Enter Equation Inputs in IVT

See Subpart G Entering Equation Inputs Using IVT for instructions on how to enter your equation inputs in the inputs verifier module.

Step 4: Save Your Data

When you have finished entering the required emissions information, click SAVE.

After you save the data on this page, the next time you open the page, the calculator on the top of the page will display the CO2 emissions, rounded to the nearest 0.1 metric ton.

Step 5: Repeat Steps 1-4

Repeat Steps 1-4 until emissions information has been entered for all coke pushing operations at your facility.

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See Also

Using e-GGRT to Prepare Your Subpart Q Report for RY2014 and Later Years

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Subpart Validation Report

This web site is maintained by a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (RY2023.R.01)