Pending Appointment Status Information

To view the status of one or more pending Agents, select the "Pending (Click for details)" link below an Agent's name on the Facility Summary page.

If the Agent's appointment is under review by EPA, the invitation information will be displayed along with an option to revoke the invitation.

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If the Agent's appointment has been approved by EPA, but the Agent has not yet accepted the invitation, the invitation information will be displayed along with the following options:

  • Edit and Resubmit Invitation
  • Resend Invitation via e-GGRT
  • Copy and Send Acceptance Code
  • Revoke Invitation

Click this link to expand

If the Agent's appointment has been approved by EPA and the Agent has accepted the appointment, but the Designated Representative (DR) or Alternate Designated Representative (ADR) has not electronically signed the Notice of Delegation (NOD), the invitation information will be displayed.

Click this link to expand

This web site is maintained by a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (RY2024.R.01)