The reporting requirements for Equipment Leaks differ among the Subpart W industry segments. This page illustrates the expected combinations of responses to the applicability questions for each of the reporting industry segments. If you believe a different combination of responses is relevant to your facility, please contact the GHGRP HelpDesk at for guidance before proceeding.
Onshore petroleum and natural gas production [98.230(a)(2)]
or or or or
Onshore natural gas processing [98.230(a)(3)]
Onshore natural gas transmission compression [98.230(a)(4)]
Underground natural gas storage [98.230(a)(5)],
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage [98.230(a)(6)], and
LNG import and export equipment [98.230(a)(7)]
or or or
Natural Gas Distribution [98.230(a)(8)]
Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting [98.230(a)(9)]
or or
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