About User Registration

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You will need to create an e-GGRT user account if you plan to register or represent a facility or supplier affected by EPA's Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule.

User registration begins at the login page.

If you already have a CDX user account, then you can use your CDX user name to login: Enter your CDX username, then click the green NEXT button and complete an abbreviated e-GGRT registration process. Note: As part of the e-GGRT user registration process, you will be prompted with the options to 1) electronically sign the Electronic Signature and Use Agreement (ESA) or; 2) print and submit a hard copy of the ESA for e-GGRT. For more information refer to the Electronic Signature Agreement page. Please also note that the ESA that you submitted for CDX is NOT transferable to e-GGRT.

If you are unable to login using your CDX user name, then you'll need to create an e-GGRT user account by clicking the "Create Account" button on the login page.

If you don't already have a CDX user account, click the "Create Account" button.

Please note that all e-GGRT sessions end after 15 minutes of inactivity. e-GGRT will generate a 5-minute warning message before automatically ending your e-GGRT session. If your session is ended due to inactivity, any unsaved data on current page will be lost.

After 10 minutes of inactivity, a countdown will begin, starting from 5 minutes, and signing the user out when it reaches zero. The counter is visible in both the popup warning screen and the tab header where e-GGRT is open. 

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Review and make sure you meet the System Requirements

User registration includes these steps:
1. Create Your User Profile
2. Complete Your Electronic Signature Agreement
3. Print a Summary

e-GGRT provides directions to guide you through the user registration steps.

User Roles

e-GGRT uses four different user roles, which are described below:

  • Designated Representative (DR) The DR is the individual who is responsible for submitting annual GHG reports and other information on behalf of the owners and operators of the facility/supplier. Every facility or supplier must have one DR. The DR is identified on the Certificate of Representation. Every facility/supplier must submit a complete Certificate of Representation at least 60 days before the reporting deadline. After EPA reviews the appointment of the DR, the DR must log into e-GGRT to accept his or her appointment. The DR may then appoint (or confirm the appointment of) an ADR and one or more Agents, who can act on behalf of the DR. The DR will confirm these actions by signing an electronic Certificate of Representation (for an ADR) or Notice of Delegation (for an Agent). If the facility/supplier is required to report emissions data under 40 CFR 75, e.g. Clean Air Interstate Rule, the DR registered in e-GGRT must be the same as the individual who has been appointed as DR under 40 CFR 75.
  • Alternate Designated Representative (ADR) The ADR is an individual who is appointed by the DR to act on his/her behalf. This is optional. A facility or supplier may have one ADR. After EPA reviews the appointment of the ADR, the ADR must log into e-GGRT to accept his/her appointment. The ADR may then appoint (or confirm the appointment of) one or more Agents who can act on his/her behalf.
  • Agent An Agent is an individual to whom the DR or ADR has delegated responsibility for submitting annual GHG reports for the facility/supplier. This is optional. A facility or supplier may have many Agents. After the EPA approves the DR/ADR’s appointment of an Agent, the Agent must log in to e-GGRT to accept his/her appointment. Following the Agent’s acceptance, the DR/ADR must then log in to e-GGRT to sign an electronic Notice of Delegation confirming his/her appointment of the Agent.
  • Registrar A Registrar is an individual who sets up one or more facilities or suppliers and sends invitations to the DR, ADR or Agent(s). The Registrar is optional. The Registrar role is for the sole purpose of registering a facility or supplier in e-GGRT. The Registrar does not gain access to facility data, cannot edit the facility profile or enter data for annual greenhouse gas (GHG) reports.

If you are reporting confidential business information (CBI), please note that the DR, ADR and Agents have equal ability to access, view, enter and submit all e-GGRT data for a facility or supplier.

Q: Can multiple users register for a single company?
A: Yes; e-GGRT does not impose any limit on the number of users at a given company or facility. There are limits on certain roles, for example, each facility must have one DR.

Q: When I register under e-GGRT, does that give me access on CDX using the same login credentials?
A: Yes.

Q: What happens if I do not complete e-GGRT user registration in one session? Can you start again later?
A: You can start again later, but data you entered before will be lost.

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This web site is maintained by a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (RY2024.R.01)