Please select a subpart from the list below:
- Subpart A - General Provisions
- Subpart C - General Stationary Fuel Combustion Sources
- Subpart D - Electricity Generation
- Subpart H - Cement Production
- Subpart N - Glass Production
- Subpart P - Hydrogen Production
- Subpart Q - Iron and Steel Production
- Subpart R - Lead Production
- Subpart S - Lime Manufacturing (CEMS)
- Subpart S - Lime Manufacturing (non-CEMS)
- Subpart V - Nitric Acid Production
- Subpart W - Oil and Natural Gas Systems
- Subpart Y - Petroleum Refineries
- Subpart AA - Pulp and Paper Manufacturing
- Subpart MM - Suppliers of Petroleum Products
- Subpart NN - Suppliers of Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquids
- Subpart PP - Suppliers of Carbon Dioxide
- AB 32 Cost of Implementation Fee Regulation
- Electric Power Entities
- Gas-Insulated Equipment (GIE)
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