The text below describes how to add North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes. The process to edit an existing NAICS code is essentially similar.
Click image to expand
Starting on the Subpart A Overview page, click the link titled "ADD a NAICS Code".
To edit an existing NAICS code, click on the edit icon or the NAICS Code link, which is the first column in the NAICS CODES SUMMARY table. Edit the information as described above for adding a new NAICS code.
To delete an existing NAICS code, click on the delete icon, which is the last column in the NAICS CODES SUMMARY table.
Click image to expand
For each NAICS code, report the following data:
Each facility or supplier must report:
- The primary NAICS code representing the product/activity that is the principal source of revenue for the entity as defined in the NAICS 2007 manual
- Optionally, a second primary NAICS code if the entity has two distinct product/activities/services providing comparable revenue
- Additionally, all unique six-digit NAICS codes that describe the products/activities/services of the entity, but are not related to the principal source of revenue
Note: If you do not know the six-digit NAICS code, use the search feature at to find the appropriate code. Please be sure to use the 2007 NAICS Search function.
When you are finished, click SAVE.
See Also
Screen Errors
Using Cal e-GGRT to Prepare Your Subpart A Report
Subpart A NAICS Codes
Subpart A U.S. Parent Companies
Subpart A Additional Summary Information for this Facility
Subpart Validation Report
Subpart A Small Business