This page provides a step-by-step description of how to enter Subpart Y Sulfur Recovery Plant information about this facility.
Adding or Updating Sulfur Recovery Plant Information
To add or update Subpart Y Sulfur Recovery Plant information for this Facility, locate the SULFUR RECOVERY UNIT-LEVEL EMISSIONS SUMMARY table on the Subpart Y Overview page.
To edit an existing Sulfur Recovery Plant, click on the edit icon or the Unit Name/Identifier link, which is the first column in the SULFUR RECOVERY UNIT-LEVEL EMISSIONS SUMMARY table.
To delete an existing Sulfur Recovery Plant, click on the delete icon, which is the last column in the SULFUR RECOVERY UNIT-LEVEL EMISSIONS SUMMARY table.
Click image to expand
Subpart Y collects the following data about your sulfur recovery plant:
- A unique name or identifier, plus optional description for this sulfur recovery plant (see also About Unique Unit Names).
- For each plant, indicate a response of Yes or No answering the question: Do you operate and maintain a CEMS that measures CO2 emissions according to subpart C? This means that both a flow meter and a concentration monitor need to be installed. If so, you must use the CEMS methodology for measuring CO2 emissions from the sulfur recovery unit.
When you are finished, click NEXT.
Click image to expand
Subpart Y collects the following data about your sulfur recovery plant:
When you are finished, click SAVE.
Adding or Updating Sulfur Recovery Plant Emissions Information
This section provides a step-by-step description of how to enter Subpart Y sulfur recovery plant emissions information.
To add or update emissions information for a sulfur recovery plant that is monitored by CEMS, please refer to the Subpart Y Emissions Information for Process Units Monitored by CEMS help page.
To add or update emissions information for a sulfur recovery plant that is NOT monitored by CEMS, locate the SULFUR RECOVERY UNITS EMISSIONS SUMMARY table on the Subpart Y Overview page, and click OPEN.
Click image to expand
Depending on the methods selected to calculate CO2 emissions (see previous section titled “Adding or Updating Sulfur Recovery Plant Information”), you will be presented with screens to collect CO2 emission results and additional data. Each specific screen is discussed below.
Equation Y-12 Summary and Result
The Equation Y-12 Summary is presented on the page. You can hover over an element in the equation to reveal a definition of that element.
Data collection elements that contains the phrase "If measured" below are not required if you use a non-measurement option provided in the rule to report this data (i.e. engineering estimates).
Subpart Y collects the following data about your sulfur recover plant:
- Annual CO2 emissions from this sulfur recovery plant (metric tons). To calculate this value, download the associated calculation spreadsheet by clicking the link titled “Use Y-12 spreadsheet to calculate.” Fill in the spreadsheet using the instructions in the spreadsheet. After completing the spreadsheet, copy the value of CO2 calculated by the spreadsheet to this page in the box next to “Annual CO2 emission from this sulfur recovery plant (metric tons).”
- If measured, specific consensus-based standard method or describe the procedure specified by the flow meter manufacturer used to measure annual volume of sour gas fed
- If measured, number of hours missing data procedures were used for annual volume of sour gas fed
- If measured, method used to measure the annual average mole fraction of carbon in the sour gas
- If measured, number of hours missing data procedures were used for annual average mole fraction of carbon in the sour gas
- Annual volume of recycled tail gas (report only if this value was not used to calculate the correction factor, in scf)
- If measured, method used to measure the annual volume of recycled tail gas
- If measured, number of hours missing data procedures were used for annual volume of recycled tail gas
- Annual average mole fraction of carbon in the tail gas (report only if this value was not used to calculate the correction factor, in kg-mole C/kg-mole gas)
- If measured, method used to measure the annual average mole fraction of carbon in the tail gas
- If measured, number of hours missing data procedures were used for annual average mole fraction of carbon in the sour gas
- Correction factor used to calculate CO2 emissions
- If unit specific correction factor is used, method used to determine correction factor used to calculate the CO2 emissions
- Used measurement data for the annual volume of recycled tail gas and annual average mole fraction of carbon in the tail gas
- Used measurement data for the annual volume of recycled tail gas and engineering calculations for mole fraction of carbon in the tail gas
- Used measurement data for the mole fraction of carbon in the tail gas and engineering calculations for the annual volume of recycled tail gas
- Used engineering calculations for both the annual volume of recycled tail gas and annual average mole fraction of carbon in the tail gas
- Other (specify)
- If unit specific correction factor is used, method used to determine correction factor used to calculate the CO2 emissions
When you have finished entering emission results, click SAVE.
Click image to expand
Process Vent Method (Equation Y-19) Summary and Result
The Equation Y-19 Summary is presented on the page. You can hover over an element in the equation to reveal a definition of that element.
Subpart Y collects the following data about your sulfur recover plant:
- Annual CO2 emissions from this sulfur recovery plant (metric tons). To calculate this value, download the associated calculation spreadsheet by clicking the link titled “Use Y-19 spreadsheet to calculate.” Fill in the spreadsheet using the instructions in the spreadsheet. After completing the spreadsheet, copy the value of CO2 calculated by the spreadsheet to this page in the box next to “Annual CO2 emission from this sulfur recovery plant (metric tons).”
- Annual volumetric flow discharged to the atmosphere (scf)
- Method used to measure or estimate the annual volumetric flow rate:
- Continuous or at least hourly measurements
- Routine (less frequent than hourly but at least weekly) measurements
- Periodic (less frequent than weekly) measurements
- Process knowledge
- Engineering calculation
- Other (specify)
- Number of venting events, if vent is intermittent
- Cumulative venting time (hours)
When you have finished entering emission results, click SAVE.
Click image to expand
See Also
Screen Errors
Using Cal e-GGRT to Prepare Your Subpart Y Report
Subpart Y Summary Information for this Facility
Subpart Y Delayed Coking Unit Information
Subpart Y Asphalt Blowing Unit Information
Subpart Y Coke Calcining Unit Information
Subpart Y Catalytic Cracking, Fluid Coking, and Catalytic Reforming Unit Information
Subpart Y Flares Unit Information
Subpart Y Process Vents Unit Information
Subpart Y Sulfur Recovery Plant Information
Subpart Y Emissions Information for Process Units Monitored by CEMS
Subpart Validation Report