Q138. Please explain what High Heat Value (HHV) testing is and how a school's EH&S personnel would know if this is occurring?

A138. High heat value (HHV) is a measure of the energy content of a fuel that is defined in §98.6 as follows: "High heat value or HHV means the high or gross heat content of the fuel with the heat of vaporization included.  The water is assumed to be in a liquid state."  Your fuel supplier may perform HHV sampling and analysis and provide you with the results.  If the supplier uses a method cited in the rule (see §98.34(a)(6)), provides the data at the required frequency (see §98.34(a)(2)), and supplies the necessary records describing the methods used and frequency, you must use the Tier 2 method to estimate emissions unless Tier 1 is permitted by §98.33(b)(1)(ii), §98.33(b)(1)(v), §98.33(b)(1)(vi), or §98.33(b)(1)(vii), or, either Tier 3 or 4 is required.  (See also §98.33(b)(1)(iv), §98.33(b)(3), and §98.33(b)(4)).

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