Onshore Natural Gas Transmission Compression
- Q500. What is the difference between the methods in 98.233(k) and 98.234(a)(1) for monitoring tank emissions? How do we treat intermittent emission from the storage tank? Can we use an alternative method to quantify the emissions?
- Q502. For transmission tank venting sent to the flare, the reporter is referred to the emissions source for flare stack emissions, but guidance is only provided for upstream production and gas processing in this section.
- Q503. In the natural gas transmission segment, do only condensate tanks at the facilities require leak checks (not other tanks at the facility or not at the facility)?
- Q505. How does a natural gas compressor station that operates compressors for natural gas transmission and an emergency generator determine subpart applicability?
- Q506. Are CO2 pipelines subject to the Onshore natural gas transmission compression segment under 40 CFR 98 subpart W?
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