How do I find GHG data from Suppliers?

This page provides step-by-step instruction for finding data from suppliers.

Step 1. Go to the Data Publishing Tool

The page displays initially with search options presented.

Click image to expand below

You can ex out of the initial popup screen to view the main map page by selecting "Start with all reporting facilities in the US." in the first box of the popup under "View US Facility Map".

Step 2. To switch to the Search for Suppliers, from the main map page select the "Other Data Sources" link at the top right corner.

Click image to expand below

Step 4. The page displays with two search boxes: choose a sector or create a custom search. Select a supplier sector or customize your search.

Click image to expand below

The page will display with your search results. From this page you can continue searching and viewing supplier details.

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This web site is maintained by a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (RY2023.R.01)