Q508. Could EPA clarify that the natural gas stored in high pressure steel bottles at peak-shaving stations should NOT be considered an underground natural gas storage facility under Subpart W?


A508. High pressure steel bottles that store natural gas at peak-shaving stations without any subsurface storage per section 98.230(a)(5) would not be considered underground natural gas storage under Subpart W. However, if the high pressure steel bottles are located at underground storage per section 98.230(a)(5) then the equipment leak sources listed in 98.232(f)(5) would be subject to reporting.


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Source: EPA, Frequently Asked Questions, Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems, July 2011, http://www.epa.gov/ghgreporting/documents/pdf/2011/documents/Subpart-W-additional-faq.pdf.

Approval / Publishing History: Version 1

Expiration : none

Relevant Subpart: W

History Panel For Internal Use - Not Visible to the Public

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