Q502. For transmission tank venting sent to the flare, the reporter is referred to the emissions source for flare stack emissions, but guidance is only provided for upstream production and gas processing in this section.


A502. If you have a continuous flow measurement device and/or a continuous gas compositon analyzer installed, you must use them/it. If you do not, then consistent with 98.233(n)(2)(iii), you must use a representative composition from the source for the stream determined by engineering calculation based on process knowledge and best available data.


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Source: EPA, Frequently Asked Questions, Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems, July 2011, http://www.epa.gov/ghgreporting/documents/pdf/2011/documents/Subpart-W-additional-faq.pdf.

Approval / Publishing History: Version 2, Updated and published by M Eaddy on 4/23/2012

Expiration : none

Relevant Subpart: W

History Panel For Internal Use - Not Visible to the Public

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