Q64. Should pilot light emissions be included in greenhouse gas emissions reported in subpart C of Part 98?

A64. No. Section §98.30(d) exempts pilot lights from reporting under subpart C. A pilot light is a small auxiliary flame that ignites the burner of a combustion device when the control valve opens. Note that neither this nor the flare exemption specified at §98.30(b)(4) apply outside of subpart C. Reporters should follow other subpart specific instructions on calculating pilot light and/or flare emissions (from pilot fuel and/or process material), as appropriate. (See §98.30(b)(4) and §98.30(d).)


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Source: This question and answer was derived from a Legacy FAQ, revised by M. Hannan, 1/30/2013.

Approval / Publishing History: Version 2, approved by L. Grogan-McCulloch, 2/13/2013

Expiration: None

Relevant Subparts: Subpart C

History Panel For Internal Use - Not Visible to the Public



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