Download Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) Data Sets

The Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) collects Greenhouse Gas (GHG) data from large emitting facilities, suppliers of fossil fuels and industrial gases that result in GHG emissions when used, and facilities that inject carbon dioxide underground. Learn more about the GHGRP.

All non-confidential data submitted to EPA is available for download on this page in several file formats.

2016 Data Summary Spreadsheets (16 MB): This file contains several spreadsheets with key GHGRP data. The multi-year data summary spreadsheet contains the most important, high-level information for facilities across all years including facility locations and annual emissions totals. The yearly spreadsheets contain slightly more detailed information than the multi-year summary, including annual reported emissions by greenhouse gas and process.


The files below contain all non-confidential data submitted to EPA. This includes each facility’s location, annual emissions and much of the underlying data facilities use to determine GHG values and other reported data elements. Data from 32 industry types is available for download in two different ways. Data from the remaining industries is only available for download through a separate spreadsheet file, see below.

There are two options to download all data reported by facilities in these 32 industry types. The information in these files is what would be acquired by downloading the full GHGRP data set, table by table, from Envirofacts.

Option One: Download (92 MB) a Zip file comprised of 395 comma separated values (CSV) files that pertain to the 395 GHG tables in EF.

Option Two: Download (91 MB) a Zip file containing an Oracle Datapump export file (920 MB uncompressed).  The export file contains the 395 GHG database tables in EF. You will need an instance of Oracle 11g to import the data. 

Instructions for importing Oracle data:

  1. Download and unzip the file.
  2. In your database, create a user where you plan to import the data.
  3. Create a table space called GHGDATA with at least 920 MB of space and grant unlimited quota in it to the user.
  4. In the unzipped folder, run the following command after replacing USERNAME, PASSWORD and DATABASE with actual username, password and your database name.

imp USERNAME/PASSWORD@DATABASE buffer=10240000 file= ghgdata_oracle_export.dmp log=test.log fromuser=ghgdata touser=USERNAME

Note: Export files was created from an Oracle 11G database using oracle export utility.

Full Subpart E, O, S-CEMS, BB, CC, LL, RR Data Set (XLS) (52 K) All non-confidential data submitted to EPA in the following industries is available for download ONLY as a separate spreadsheet file: Adipic Acid Production (E), HCFC-22 Production and HFC-23 Destruction (O), Lime Manufacturing (S, CEMS reporters only), Silicon Carbide Production (BB), Soda Ash Manufacturing (CC), Coal-based Liquid Fuel Suppliers (LL) and Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide (RR).


This web site is maintained by a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (RY2023.R.01)