Q850. For local distribution companies (LDCs) how are the subpart NN end-use categories for residential, commercial and industrial consumers and electricity generating facilities defined? How do those definitions compare with those on the Energy Information Administration’s Form EIA-176? Should the gas volumes an LDC reports to EPA include all gas delivered or just the gas owned by the LDC?


A850.  The definitions of the subpart NN end-use categories for reporting natural gas delivered to residential, commercial and industrial consumers and electricity generating facilities are the same as those used by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) for reporting natural gas deliveries on Form EIA-176. LDCs should follow the directions for categorizing consumers provided in the Form EIA-176 Instructions available at https://www.eia.gov/survey/form/eia_176/instructions.pdf.

All gas volumes reported to the EPA in subpart NN, including the four end-use categories, must include all gas supplied by the LDC, both gas that is owned by the LDC and gas that is not owned by the LDC. For many LDCs, the value reported to the EPA for each end-use category should equal the sum of the volumes reported under items 10.0 (“Deliveries of natural gas that you own to end-use consumers within the report state”) and 11.0 (“Deliveries of natural gas that you do not own to end-use consumers within the report state”) on Form EIA-176.   


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Source: e-mail from B. Cook, 1/26/2018

Approval / Publishing History: Version 1

Expiration: None

Relevant Subparts: Subpart NN

History Panel For Internal Use - Not Visible to the Public

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