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Edit User Profile
You may edit your e-GGRT profile information, which includes address and contact information.
Required fields are denoted by a red asterisk.
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Edit Email Address
If you want to change the email address in your user profile, e-GGRT will ask you to answer your security question correctly. If you are unable to successfully answer your security question, please contact the CDX Help Desk at 1-888-890-1995 for assistance.
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Request Name Change
E-GGRT requires that name changes be made via a request to the Help Desk. Make the appropriate change, select a reason (Legal Change – Marital Status, Legal Change – Other, or Other), and click SAVE.
As soon as you submit the name change, e-GGRT will send EPA a request to review the change. After EPA reviews and approves the name change, you will receive an email confirmation.