Reports and Views

The View Reports page provides information for all generated reports for the current reporting year. This page gives access to the report status, report receipts, a public and private report, a public and private XML view of the report and the trend report of all generated reports for the current reporting year. When selected each report format opens in a new window.

Accessing View Reports

To access the View Reports page, select "View Reports" on the Facility or Supplier Overview page.

Click image to expand


The status feature displays the current status of each generated report version.  ?Possible statuses are listed below.



Generated with Errors

The report cannot be submitted due to errors.

Ready for review

The report is ready to submit.

Pending certification

The submission process has been started but the report has not been certified.

Complete, certified and sent

The report has been successfully completed, certified and sent to the EPA.

Click image to expand


The report receipt provides confirmation that a report version is "Complete, Certified and sent" to the EPA.

Click image to expand

Report and XML

The Report views provide a "human readable" HTML version of the report viewable through a web browser. The XML views provide the XML file submitted to EPA. Select the "Full Report" link to view the report.

For information on GHGRP CBI determinations and what data is released to the public, please see:

Click image to expand

Trend Report

Trend Reports allows reporters to view changes in a facility's reported emissions over time. This report displays the emissions data from prior years, the current year, the difference in emissions and the percentage change in emissions. Viewing this report allows reporters to compare data for potential outliers and mistakes in the current report as well as review trends over time. (click here review Help on the Trend Reports page)

Click image to expand

This web site is maintained by a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (RY2023.R.01)