Subpart NN Natural Gas Liquid Fractionators and LPG Consignees
Note: The Cal e-GGRT help system includes general instruction on using the California GHG reporting tool. However, the help system may not explain differences between California and U.S. EPA reporting requirements. Please refer to the ARB reporting website for California-specific reporting requirements and additional help.

This page provides a step-by-step description of how to enter Subpart NN GHG data for NGL Fractionators and LPG Consignees.

The GHG information required for NGL Fractionators includes four steps:

The steps required to complete your fractionator or consignee report include the use of either Step 3.1 or Step 3.2, but not both. Your selection of a calculation methodology in Step 1 will determine whether e-GRRT uses Step 3.1 or Step 3.2 to calculate CO2 quantities from each NGL product supplied.

Each step is described below.

Step 1 - Indicate NGL Products Supplied

Click image to expand

First, you must select the product types supplied by your fractionator or consignee. Click this link to view definitions of these products.

By default, all products will be selected for you. To deselect a product that you do not supply locate the the check box to the left of the name of the product and click on it.

Note that only the only product option available to LPG Consignees is LPG. As a result, the screen pictured below will display only LPG for LPG Consignees.

Click image to expand

This screen provides a warning that by deselecting a particular product, the GHG quantity associated with that product will not be included in the GHG report for this supplier.

If you wish to proceed with deselecting this product, click "DESELECT". If you do supply this product, you would click "CANCEL".

Regardless of which selection you make, you will be returned to the Subpart NN overview page.

Step 2 - Calculation Methodology

Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for each product supplied by your facility.

Click image to expand

Find the table titled "GHG SUMMARY" and click OPEN to enter GHG data for a single product.

Click image to expand

Use the radio buttons to select the methodology used to calculate potential CO2 quantities associated with the complete combustion or oxidation of this product.

Methodology 1 uses a higher heating value and CO2 emissions factor based on heat content to calculate CO2 quantities associated with this product.

Methodology 2 uses a CO2 emissions factor based on based on product volume to calculate CO2 quantities associated with this product.

Based on your selection, e-GRRT will use either Equation NN-1 (if Methodology 1 is selected) or Equation NN-2 (if Methodology 2 is selected) to calculate potential CO2 quantities associated with this product.

When finished, click NEXT.

Step 3.1 - Equation NN-1 Summary and Results

This section provides instructions for users that selected Methodology 1 in Step 1. If you selected Methodology 2 in Step 1, skip to Step 3.2: Equation NN-2 Summary and Results.

If you selected Methodology 1 in Step 1, Cal e-GGRT will guide you to the page containing Subpart NN Eq. NN-1 where you can use the radio buttons to indicate the source of reported CO2 quantities associated with this product.

Click image to expand

If you elect to enter your own result, enter the CO2 quantity associated with this product (in metric tons) in the space provided then click NEXT. If you choose to use Cal e-GGRT to calculate the result for you, simply click NEXT without entering a value.

Click image to expand

In the spaces provided, enter the total annual volume of this product supplied (in barrels) and the number of days during the reporting year for which substitute data procedures were used to determine this value.

Use the drop-down menu to select the industry standard used to measure the volume.
When finished, click NEXT.

Click image to expand

Use the radio buttons to indicate your source for the higher heating value and CO2 emissions factor.

If you elect not to use the default values, in the spaces provided, enter your own higher heating value (in million Btu per barrel) and/or CO2 emissions factor (in kilograms of CO2 per million Btu) as well as the number of days during the reporting year for which substitute data procedures were used to determine these value(s). Use the drop-down menu(s) to select the industry standard(s) used to measure the higher heating value and/or CO2 emissions factor.

When finished, click NEXT then click FINISHED.

You may now skip to Step 4 of these instructions (section 3.2 below is only applicable if Methodology 2 was selected in in Step 1).

Step 3.2 - Equation NN-2 Summary and Results

Click image to expand

If you selected Methodology 2 in Step 1, Cal e-GGRT will guide you to the page containing Subpart NN Eq. NN-2 where you can use the radio buttons to indicate the source of the potential CO2 quantity associated with this product.

If you elect to enter your own result, enter the CO2 quantity associated with this product (in metric tons) in the space provided then click NEXT. If you choose to use eGGRT to calculate the result for you, simply click NEXT without entering a value.

Click image to expand

In the spaces provided, enter the total annual volume of this product supplied (in barrels) and the number of days during the reporting year for which substitute data procedures were used to determine this value.

Use the drop-down menu to select the industry standard used to measure the volume.
When finished, click NEXT.

Click image to expand

Use the radio buttons to indicate your source for the HHV and CO2 emissions factor.

If you elect not to use the default value, enter your own HHV (in MMBtu/bbl) or CO2 emissions factor (in metric tons CO2 per barrel) along with the number of days missing data procedures were used to determine this value in the spaces provided.

Then use the drop-down menu to select the industry standard used to measure this value.

When finished, click NEXT.

When you are satisfied that all entered data for this product is correct, click FINISHED.

Next, enter the information for all additional NGL products that you supply by following the procedures described above.

Step 4 - Addition Information Required for NGL Fractionators and LPG Consignees

Click image to expand

For NGL Fractionators and LPG Consignees, Subpart NN requires you to report the following additional data:

  • The total annual volume (in thousand standard cubic feet) of Natural Gas received for processing
  • The total annual quantity (in barrels) of y-grade bulk NGLs received from others for fractionation
  • The total annual quantity (in barrels) of Propane odorized at the facility and delivered to others
  • The total annual production of natural gas or natural gas liquids


Click image to expand

Enter the annual volume (in thousand standard cubic feet) of Natural Gas received for processing, annual quantity (in barrels) of y-grade bulk NGLs received from others for fractionation, annual quantity (in barrels) of Propane odorized at the facility and delivered to others, and annual production of natural gas liquids.

When finished, click SAVE

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See Also

Screen Errors
Using Cal e-GGRT to Prepare Your Subpart NN Report
Subpart NN Summary Information for this Supplier
Subpart NN Local Distribution Companies (LDCs)
Subpart NN Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines
Subpart NN Natural Gas Liquid Fractionators and LPG Consignees
Subpart Validation Report

This web site is maintained by a contractor to the California Air Resources Board (RY2015.R.03)