| FAQ No. | Topic Area | Question |
7 | Q7 | Subpart A | Which greenhouse gases (GHGs) are covered under the rule? |
10 | Q10 | Subpart A | What is the definition of a “facility”? |
13 | Q13 | Subpart A | Can you please describe what constitutes a facility? For example, if a hospital has four buildings, does the rulemaking pertain to the four buildings as a composite, or to each individually? |
19 | Q19 | Subpart JJ | How does the restriction attached to EPA's Appropriation Bill for 2010 impact Subpart JJ (Manure Management Systems) in the final greenhouse gas reporting rule that was published in the Federal Register on October 30, 2009? |
20 | Q20 | Subpart A | Does the rule apply to U.S. Territories? |
21 | Q21 | Subpart A | How did EPA develop the general threshold of 25,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (mtCO2e) per year? |
22 | Q22 | Subpart A | How much is 25,000 metric tons of CO2 equivalent (mtCO2e)? |
23 | Q23 | Subpart A | Are there some sectors where all facilities have to report regardless of whether they meet the 25,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (mtCO2e) annual threshold? |
26 | Q26 | Subpart A | Is there a simple way for facilities with stationary fuel combustion units to determine if they will be required to report? |
28 | Q28 | Subpart A | Will individual car or truck owners be required to report? |
29 | Q29 | Subpart A | Will owners of commercial buildings be required to report? |
30 | Q30 | Subpart A | Will federal, state, or local facilities have to report emissions? |
36 | Q36 | Subpart A | The applicability tool says I need to report, but I don’t think the tool is right. |
37 | Q37 | Subpart A | Is applicability based on actual emissions or potential emissions? |
42 | Q42 | Subpart A | How will emissions data be verified? |
43 | Q43 | Subpart A | Will EPA provide training and guidance for reporters? |
44 | Q44 | Subpart C | There are currently no CEMS available at my facility. Is there a provision to allow calculations of Tier 1, 2 or 3 if the cost of purchasing and installing CEMS will be seriously detrimental to the company? |
45 | Q45 | Subpart A | If facility intends to obtain fuel usage data from utility bills, but its utility bills reflect fuel usage through middle of the month, how does EPA recommend a facility estimate fuel use for the calendar year? Is it acceptable to pro-rate fuel use? |
50 | Q50 | Subpart A | When are reporters required to complete their GHG Monitoring Plan? |
51 | Q51 | Subpart A | What representative of a reporting facility is in charge of reporting? Is it the operator or facility owner? Can a third party be hired to report on behalf of the reporting facility? |
56 | Q56 | Subpart A | How is this reporting rule different from the Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks report (Inventory)? |
64 | Q64 | Subpart C | Should pilot light emissions be included in greenhouse gas emissions reported in subpart C of Part 98? |
66 | Q66 | Subpart C | Where does no. 2 diesel fuel fit into Table C-1 and C-2? |
67 | Q67 | Subpart C | Where the heat input capacity of a combustion unit is less than 250 mmBtu per hour input capacity and the unit is not subject to Tier 3 or 4 per Subpart Y of Part 98, and where there might be more than one fuel type fed to...? |
68 | Q68 | Subpart C | 40 CFR §98.33(a)(3)(iii) indicates that “For units that combust municipal solid waste (MSW) and that produce steam, use Equation C-2c of this section”. However, Table C-1... |
69 | Q69 | Subpart C | Does fuel use for comfort heating and hot water heaters need to be reported? |
70 | Q70 | Subpart C | Would fuels combusted in a test stand be considered as stationary fuel combustion when the articles being tested are mobile sources (aircraft, rocket, missile, spacecraft)? |
73 | Q73 | Subpart C | If a non-Acid Rain unit combusts coal or other solid fossil fuel and has gas monitors installed but does not have a stack flow monitor, is installation and certification of a stack flow monitor required? |
74 | Q74 | Subpart C | If a unit that combusts only fossil fuels has a CEMS for CO2 and uses Tier 4, must CO2 be reported by fuel type? |
75 | Q75 | Subpart C | For a unit that combusts fossil and biomass fuels that has a CEMS for CO2 and uses Tier 4, must CO2 be reported by fuel type? |
76 | Q76 | Subpart C | For a group of units that combusts only pipeline quality natural gas, may a shared fuel flow meter on a common pipe or gas supplier billing meter data be used to determine the CO2 mass emissions for the group of units? |
77 | Q77 | Subpart C | For a unit that has an O2 monitor and doesn’t meet the conditions required to use Tier 4, but elects to use Tier 4, what are the monitoring requirements? |
80 | Q80 | Subpart C | If the HHV is known as part of a general energy management system, but not sampled on a routine basis, may Tier 1 be used? |
81 | Q81 | Subpart C | If a combustion unit is greater than 250 mmBtu per hour, combusts a biomass fuel listed in Table C-1, and receives HHV data at the required frequency in §98.34(a), may Tier 1 be used per 40 CFR 98.33(b)(1)(iii)? |
82 | Q82 | Subpart C | For a non-Acid Rain combustion turbine rated over 250 mmBtu per hour that only burns diesel oil and pipeline natural gas, is it acceptable to use Tier 2… |
83 | Q83 | Subpart C | For diesel fuel (e.g., No. 1 or No. 2 fuel oil) shipments that are received 1 or 2 times a year, is it sufficient to sample the fuel carbon content upon receipt of each shipment for Tier 3? |
84 | Q84 | Subpart C | For a unit that is not required to use Tier 4 (CEMS monitoring), which tier is required if you receive HHV with some coal shipments, but not every coal shipment? |
85 | Q85 | Subpart C | Is the use of Subpart C tiers required after 2010 and is it acceptable to use the best available monitoring provisions under Subpart A beyond 2010? |
86 | Q86 | Subpart C | Does Tier 3 have to be used if a unit is less than or equal to 250 mmBtu per hour, but has a continuous gas chromatograph to determine carbon content? |
87 | Q87 | Subpart C | What Tier, if any, must be used for a fuel not listed in Table C-1 that is less than 10% of the heat input of a combustion unit? |
88 | Q88 | Subpart C | If a combustion unit with a heat input capacity less than 250 mmBtu per hour burns both natural gas and a liquid fuel, and the quantities are known… |
90 | Q90 | Subpart C | Does EPA accept thermal flow meters for measuring volumetric flow rate under 98.34? |
91 | Q91 | Subpart C | Are orifice, venturi, and nozzle flow meters required to have temperature, and total pressure transmitters located on the flowmeters? |
93 | Q93 | Subpart C | What should facilities do if the calibration error for fuel flow meters that exceeds the 5.0% performance specification? |
95 | Q95 | Subpart C | If a facility has a billing meter for natural gas distributed to the combustion units throughout the facility, and if these combustion units also have their own meters, is there an obligation... |
96 | Q96 | Subpart C | Is there a recurring fuel flow meter calibration requirement for Tier 1 and Tier 2 units? |
97 | Q97 | Subpart C | Does the calibration exemption for fuel billing meters still apply for common pipe reporting option? |
98 | Q98 | Subpart HH | The landfill industry uses a portable meter that uses an IR method to determine methane and carbon dioxide concentrations. Has the EPA determined if these units are acceptable and comply with the accuracy required by the rule? |
100 | Q100 | Subpart HH | When does moisture content need to be corrected for in Equation HH-4? |
102 | Q102 | Subpart HH | What models are acceptable for performing the calculations in subpart HH? |
103 | Q103 | Subpart HH | How should inert wastes be accounted for in Equation HH-1? |
104 | Q104 | Subpart HH | The methods listed in section 98.344 are not applicable to my monitor, how should I calibrate? |
105 | Q105 | Subpart HH | What is the definition of a facility as it relates to landfills and landfill gas to energy (LFGTE) plants? |
106 | Q106 | Subpart HH | We do not have any records or receipts for the waste quantities that were placed in our landfill before 2000, how do we estimate historic waste quantities before that year? |
107 | Q107 | Subpart HH | If an MSW landfill has a dedicated area which receives waste other than MSW, may this area be excluded from the rule requirements? |
108 | Q108 | Subpart HH | If an MSW landfill is later remediated as a hazardous waste landfill, does it need to comply with the rule? |
109 | Q109 | Subpart HH | If I use a flame ionization detector (FID) or an infrared (IR) monitor, am I required to determine an annual non-methane organic correction factor? |
110 | Q110 | Subpart A | If two entities share a Title V permit would that preclude them from reporting separately even if there is no common ownership or control? |
111 | Q111 | Subpart HH | Do landfills have to report the biogenic CO2 that is included in LFG emissions and the CO2 that is emitted from flares? |
113 | Q113 | Subpart HH | If all of our landfill gas gets piped offsite to another facility, what do we need to report? |
114 | Q114 | Subpart HH | Can an alternate oxidation factor, other than 10% be used in the calculations? |
116 | Q116 | Subpart HH | Do passive flares count as gas collection systems? Do the landfills with flares have to monitor for landfill gas and methane concentration? |
117 | Q117 | Subpart HH | Does EPA's definition of treatment equipment include moisture knockout and blower systems? Is it acceptable to EPA for the flow meter to be placed after the moisture knockout and blower or is it required to be placed before these items? |
119 | Q119 | Subpart HH | Are annubars or v-cone flowmeters acceptable for compliance with the rule requirements? |
120 | Q120 | Subpart HH | Is weekly monitoring of both gas flow and methane concentration allowed? |
121 | Q121 | Subpart HH | The applicability tool refers to a 350,000 waste-in-place threshold. Is reporting required if the total waste-in-place is less than 350,000 tons? |
122 | Q122 | Subpart HH | Can a landfill ever stop reporting under the rule? |
123 | Q123 | Subpart Y | For petroleum refineries, which subpart should be followed for flare calculations? Section 98.252(a) says to use Subpart C. However, section 98.253(b) specifies a method for flares. |
125 | Q125 | Subpart AA | The definition of the source category for Pulp and Paper is relatively broad to include a range of pulp and paper manufacturing activities. If a facility falls under the definition of 98.270 (a) but does not contain emission units specified in 98.270(b) for which greenhouse gas emissions must be reported, is such a facility subject Subpart AA? |
126 | Q126 | Subpart A | If a campus is divided by several blocks of property not owned by the entity – can that area be defined as a facility by itself? |
127 | Q127 | Subpart A | If a campus is divided by a non-owned body of water (e.g., a river), does that create two distinct facilities? |
129 | Q129 | Subpart A | I leased space within my definition of "facility", if I do not track fuel use for that space, do I have to include it in my report? |
130 | Q130 | Subpart A | I have space which I own, but lease to a third party within my "facility" and the tenant pays the utilities, do I have to include that building space? |
132 | Q132 | Subpart A | Provide one or two specific examples of what would be acceptable to EPA under §98.3(g)(5)(i)(B), "Explanation of processes and methods used to collect the necessary data for the GHG calculations". |
133 | Q133 | Subpart C | Can I use more than 1 Tier Method for my facility? |
134 | Q134 | Subpart C | I have a natural gas emergency generator and a boiler in a building within the facility but no means to separate the usage out – how do I account for that, since the e-gen is not included? |
135 | Q135 | Subpart C | I have natural gas meter records for a building that uses natural gas for heating and cooking – but no separate meters – how do we account for that? |
137 | Q137 | Subpart C | I do not have a fuel meters at a building on the source, but know how much fuel is delivered. This is not the actual amount used, since my inventory at the beginning of the year may be different than the end – should I use the delivered amount? |
138 | Q138 | Subpart C | Please explain what High Heat Value (HHV) testing is and how a school's EH&S personnel would know if this is occurring? |
139 | Q139 | Subpart C | Would a boiler (or other combustion unit) that is mounted on a trailer or movable platform, that is used to provide temporary services while facility equipment is serviced, upgraded, or replaced, and where such equipment remains at the facility... |
140 | Q140 | Subpart C | Would the following be considered stationary or portable sources, assuming their location falls within the definition of facility? |
141 | Q141 | Subpart HH | My site has a gas collection system. Which equations do I need to use to determine my methane generation and methane emissions for subpart HH? |
142 | Q142 | Subpart A | In the event fuel volume is based on third-party fuel billing meters that meet the exemption in 98.3(i)4, what are the record keeping requirements? |
146 | Q146 | Subpart C | Many facilities use mass or volumetric flow meters to measure gaseous streams. Please confirm whether it is acceptable to use a mass flow meter to determine the volumetric flow rate of gaseous streams under Subpart C or the GHG Reporting Rule. |
148 | Q148 | Subpart C | With respect to coal or fuel oil, the rule requires analysis of at least one representative sample from each lot. Does EPA have any additional guidance on what constitutes a "lot?" |
149 | Q149 | Subpart C | If coal comes from the same source, how many deliveries must be analyzed to have a representative sample? |
150 | Q150 | Subpart HH | Are scales required for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills? |
151 | Q151 | Subpart HH | Must every container or vehicle be weighed coming in and going out of the landfill? |
153 | Q153 | Subpart HH | Does EPA accept thermal flow meters for measuring volumetric flow rate of LFGs? |
154 | Q154 | Subpart HH | What additional considerations are necessary when using a mass flow meter for landfill gas? |
164 | Q164 | Subpart MM | A third party measures the quantity of a petroleum product I receive with equipment that is not located on my site. Am I allowed to use that data to report quantity in my annual GHG report? Who is responsible for retaining the associated records? Who is responsible for the accuracy of that measurement? |
165 | Q165 | Subpart MM | What is an industry standard practice, and when can one be used? How should I report an industry standard practice? Is "third party verification" or "delivery record" an industry standard practice? |
166 | Q166 | Subpart MM | The quantity of petroleum product that I import is determined by a third party gauger who is approved by Customs & Border Protection (CBP). How should I comply with the quantity determination requirements in §98.393(a)? |
167 | Q167 | Subpart MM | If my refinery sells a fuel product to a pipeline company that is measured by a custody transfer meter that is owned and operated solely by the customer, can I define this meter as a "fuel gas billing meter" as in subpart A §98.3(i)(4), which says: "Fuel billing meters are exempted from the calibration requirements of this section, provided that the fuel supplier and any unit combusting the fuel do not have any common owners and are not owned by subsidiaries or affiliates of the same company." |
168 | Q168 | Subpart MM | Am I required to report under subpart MM even though my refinery does not input any crude oil? |
169 | Q169 | Subpart MM | Does the rule cover imports into and exports from all U.S. possessions, including Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, and other U.S. territories? |
170 | Q170 | Subpart MM | Does the rule require reporting for import shipments into a specified U.S. territory from another U.S. location, and export shipments from a specified U.S. territory to another U.S. location? |
171 | Q171 | Subpart MM | If my refinery produces a product, feedstock or blendstock stream that is not listed in Table MM-1, how should I comply with the subpart MM reporting requirements? Am I required to use Calculation Method 2 to develop my own emission factor? |
172 | Q172 | Subpart MM | Can a product-specific factor developed at one facility be used at another facility for the same type of product? |
173 | Q173 | Subpart MM | What is meant by "otherwise used on site" for the subpart MM equations using feedstock quantities? |
174 | Q174 | Subpart MM | How do I account for intermediate stocks that are traded between different refineries. For example, if I send gasoil to another location, do I account for it or do I only report finished products? |
175 | Q175 | Subpart MM | What biomass activities are included in Equation MM-3, and in what cases should I subtract biomass out of equation MM-8? |
176 | Q176 | Subpart MM | If a refinery imports and exports petroleum products, should these products be reported both at the facility level under §98.396(a) as well as at the corporate level under §98.396(b) and (c)? |
179 | Q179 | Subpart A | Section 98.4(b) states the designated representative shall be an individual selected by an agreement binding on the owner or operator of the facility. What constitutes the "agreement"? |
183 | Q183 | Subpart LL | Under subpart LL, are coal-to-liquids facilities required to report on coal-based products that are solid products (such as coke), or is reporting limited to liquid products? |
184 | Q184 | Subpart JJ | Can facilities with manure management systems report under the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program? |
185 | Q185 | Facility Registration | Can additional Agents be added to e-GGRT after the registration deadline? |
186 | Q186 | Facility Registration | Some of us are consultants who will be populating e-GGRT on behalf of our clients. Can you explain which role we should be assigned in e-GGRT? |
187 | Q187 | Facility Registration | Is the technical person who prepares the information for signature the "Agent" in your terminology? |
188 | Q188 | Facility Registration | Some reporters may have the Designated Representative (DR) and (ADR) at the plant, but a corporate employee will coordinate all the reporting. Can one employee be set up as an Agent for all plants? |
189 | Q189 | Facility Registration | Can Agents be removed at any time? |
190 | Q190 | Facility Registration | Does an e-GGRT user have access to multiple facilities from one login if he or she is helping multiple clients? |
191 | Q191 | Facility Registration | Can an Agent appoint another Agent? |
192 | Q192 | Facility Registration | Can a contractor register for e-GGRT on behalf of a client? Or should it only be an employee? |
193 | Q193 | Facility Registration | Is there a limit to the number of Agents or Alternate Designated Representatives (ADR) for any one company? |
194 | Q194 | Facility Registration | I am a technical professional who will be preparing the report for my plant manager to certify. Should we both go through the process for setting up a user profile? Can I be set up as a user even though I will not certify the submission? |
195 | Q195 | Facility Registration | Must the Designated Representative (DR) and Alternate Designated Representative (ADR) appoint the same Agents? |
196 | Q196 | Facility Registration | Is it possible for an Agent to prepare annual greenhouse gas (GHG) reports as well as submit reports? |
197 | Q197 | Facility Registration | Do Agents need to be set up by the Designated Representative (DR) and Alternate Designated Representative (ADR)? |
198 | Q198 | Facility Registration | Does the person setting up have access to our facility data in e-GGRT? |
199 | Q199 | Facility Registration | What address information should be entered for suppliers reporting at the company level? |
200 | Q200 | e-GGRT (General) | What are e-GGRT system requirements? |
201 | Q201 | e-GGRT (General) | How do I turn on Javascript in my browser? |
202 | Q202 | e-GGRT (General) | Will my browser back button work when using e-GGRT? |
203 | Q203 | e-GGRT (General) | Will e-GGRT timeout due to inactivity? When does e-GGRT save? |
204 | Q204 | User Registration | I am a CAMD Business System (CBS) user. What information will be imported to e-GGRT during user registration? |
205 | Q205 | User Registration | Are the Certificates of Representation still required to be submitted if EPA has the current Designated Representative (DR) registered in CAMD Business System (Part 75 CAIR)? |
206 | Q206 | User Registration | If someone has both a CAMD Business System user account and a CDX account which one do they use to log in to e-GGRT? |
207 | Q207 | e-GGRT (General) | I use both CAMD Business System (CBS) and e-GGRT. Which system should I use to update my user or facility profile? |
209 | Q209 | User Registration | Is it mandatory to link the CAMD Business System Designated Representative (DR) user account with the e-GGRT DR user account? |
211 | Q211 | e-GGRT (General) | I report emissions using ECMPS and CAMD Business System (CBS). Do I also have to submit reports using e-GGRT? |
212 | Q212 | e-GGRT (General) | Do you expect that most current CDX users will become e-GGRT users? |
213 | Q213 | e-GGRT (General) | If I complete user registration in e-GGRT, can I use my e-GGRT user ID to log in to CDX? |
214 | Q214 | Facility Registration | Does the Designated Representative (DR) have to be a vice president? Can an environmental manager prepare reports? |
215 | Q215 | Facility Registration | Can the Alternate Designated Representative (ADR) create a user profile before a Designated Representative (DR)? |
216 | Q216 | Facility Registration | How does a consultant enter data for a client who is the Designated Representative (DR)? What does a consultant do on the DR and Alternate Designated Representative (ADR) screen, since the consultant is neither the DR nor authorized to appoint the DR. |
217 | Q217 | Facility Registration | Can a company designate more than one Alternate Designated Representative (ADR)? |
218 | Q218 | e-GGRT (General) | Does facility data have to be entered manually or can you upload the data using files? |
219 | Q219 | Facility Registration | Can I register and appoint myself as the Alternate Designated Representative (ADR) and my boss as the Designated Representative (DR), but I will not get an invitation to accept the appointment until he registers and accepts? |
220 | Q220 | Facility Registration | What is the process for changing a Designated Representative (DR) or Alternate Designated Representative (ADR)? |
221 | Q221 | Facility Registration | Like the Electronic Signature Agreement, does the Certificate of Representation need to be printed out, signed and mailed to EPA? |
222 | Q222 | Facility Registration | Does a Designated Representative (DR) need to grant or appoint a consultant access to their facility? |
223 | Q223 | Facility Registration | Can an ADR be appointed after the registration deadline? |
224 | Q224 | Facility Registration | For the Environmental Mgr to become the Designated Representative (DR) does he or she need a formal letter from the facility owners? Does that letter need be submitted with the signature page? |
225 | Q225 | Facility Registration | Can an e-GRRT user enter in (but not sign, submit) all facility greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions without being a Designated Representative (DR), Alternate Designated Representative (ADR) or Agent? |
226 | Q226 | Facility Registration | The Designated Representative (DR) may appoint one Alternate Designated Representative (ADR) at each facility or supplier. If my operation is both a facility and a supplier can the DR be two different people, one for the facility and one for the supplier? |
227 | Q227 | Facility Registration | What is the difference between a Designated Representative (DR) and Alternate Designated Representative (ADR), and an Agent? |
228 | Q228 | Facility Registration | What events require the Designated Representative (DR) or Alternate Designated Representative (ADR) to resubmit a Certificate of Representation for the facilities they represent? |
229 | Q229 | e-GGRT (General) | What is e-GGRT? |
231 | Q231 | e-GGRT (General) | When will EPA offer training on e-GGRT? |
234 | Q234 | XML Reporting | Will e-GGRT and its XML Reporting Schema account for reporting requirements promulgated for future reporting years? |
236 | Q236 | e-GGRT (General) | During what hours will Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) Help Desk support available? |
237 | Q237 | e-GGRT (General) | Do Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) reporters have to submit Monitoring Plans? |
238 | Q238 | e-GGRT (General) | Where should I submit rule related questions on Part 98? |
239 | Q239 | e-GGRT (General) | How do I contact the e-GGRT Help Desk? |
240 | Q240 | User Registration | The address shown for the Electronic Signature Agreement submission looks like a street address. Can we send the Electronic Signature Agreement via regular mail, certified mail or other express mail? |
241 | Q241 | User Registration | Similar to Toxics Release Inventory (TRI), does only the certifier need to complete the Electronic Signature Agreement or do all users and Agents? |
242 | Q242 | User Registration | Will it be possible to get a copy of the e-GGRT Terms and Conditions so I can review them in advance? |
243 | Q243 | User Registration | If a single individual will be entering information for multiple facilities, can a single Electronic Signature Agreement be submitted to cover all facilities or will multiple Electronic Signature Agreements need to be submitted? |
245 | Q245 | User Registration | If I've already submitted an Electronic Signature Agreement for my CDX account, do I have to submit another one for e-GGRT? |
246 | Q246 | User Registration | If I've submitted an Electronic Signature Agreement for my CAMD Business System account, will that work for e-GGRT? |
247 | Q247 | User Registration | To what address do I send the Electronic Signature Agreement? |
249 | Q249 | User Registration | Why would EPA reject an Electronic Signature Agreement? |
251 | Q251 | Facility Registration | What if I can't find my facility or supplier on the e-GGRT facility search page? Will e-GRRT provide the ability to add a new facility? |
252 | Q252 | Facility Registration | Does the facility registration process need to be completed in one session like the user registration process? |
253 | Q253 | Facility Registration | Will suppliers of fossil fuels (such as natural gas local distribution companies) follow the same procedure to set up a companywide Certificate of Registration? |
254 | Q254 | Facility Registration | Our operation includes a supplier under one subpart and a facility under another. Do they have to have the same Designated Representative (DR)? |
255 | Q255 | XML Reporting | What is XML? |
256 | Q256 | User Registration | Do Agents have a different login from the Designated Representative (DR)? |
257 | Q257 | User Registration | What happens if you do not complete user registration in one session? Can you start again later? |
258 | Q258 | User Registration | Does e-GGRT allow an international address in the user profile? |
259 | Q259 | User Registration | Is there a mechanism to support multiple companies from a single email address? |
261 | Q261 | User Registration | I forgot my e-GGRT user name. How do I retrieve it? |
263 | Q263 | User Registration | How do I reset my expired password? |
267 | Q267 | Facility Registration | If there is a change in owner or operator, does e-GGRT need to be updated within 90 days? |
268 | Q268 | e-GGRT (General) | The fifteen minute inactivity timeout in e-GGRT makes me nervous. Can I save as I go? |
270 | Q270 | Facility Registration | Where can I find the Certificate of Representation to file? |
272 | Q272 | Facility Registration | Must a large company with multiple facilities in different states have one Designated Representative (DR) for all facilities, or can each facility have its own DR? |
273 | Q273 | Facility Registration | Is there any way to be the Agent for all facilities at a company and fill out only one Notice of Delegation? |
274 | Q274 | Facility Registration | If you want someone to be able to prepare an electronic report but not submit, what role should they have? |
275 | Q275 | Facility Registration | If the Designated Representative (DR) or Alternate Designated Representative (ADR) changes at a facility but no Agents change, must the DR or ADR submit new a Notice of Delegation for each Agent? |
279 | Q279 | Subpart PP | To measure the composition of the CO2 stream, am I limited to the two methods listed in 40 CFR part 98.424(b)(2)? |
280 | Q280 | Subpart HH | I have a landfill gas powered engine located at a landfill that must report under subpart HH. Under which subpart am I required to report combustion emissions for the engine? What about for a flare located at the landfill? |
281 | Q281 | Subpart HH | I don't see landfill gas listed in Table C-1, is a there a default high heating value or emission factor I am required to use for landfill gas when calculating emissions for subpart C? |
282 | Q282 | Subpart JJ | Can someone tell me if livestock operations need to report this year or not? I have heard from EPA personnel, Cattlemen industry people and state officials, but continue to get conflicting information. |
283 | Q283 | Facility Registration | How should the “physical street address” be reported for facilities located offshore? |
284 | Q284 | Subpart A | The definition of "owner" and "operator" under 98.6 refers to a "person." Is a person only a single individual? |
285 | Q285 | Facility Registration | I am required to report as both a facility and a supplier under Part 98? How will e-GGRT handle registration and reporting for my facility? |
286 | Q286 | Subpart NN | If a natural gas supplier has companies it owns in different states, can the supplier report all of the companies together or should they be separated by state or company name? |
287 | Q287 | Subpart OO | How does one handle the calculation of blends such as R-410A? Do we calculate on the basis of the components, e.g., HFC-125 and HFC-32? |
289 | Q289 | Subpart NN | How should an LDC determine if it "delivers" more than 460,000 Mscf per year? Does this include quantities delivered to other LDCs and or large end-users? What about natural gas placed into or removed from storage? |
299 | Q299 | Subpart A | What does EPA mean by the term "sequential or simultaneous" in the definition of co-generation? |
303 | Q303 | e-GGRT (General) | Have any of the equations under the GHG reporting rule been revised, or have any new equations been added since the rule was finalized in 2009? |
304 | Q304 | e-GGRT (General) | When asked in e-GGRT if a unit has a CEMS, is it specifically referring to a CO2 CEMS? |
305 | Q305 | e-GGRT (General) | Does the information from the Reporting Forms populate e-GRRT fields or are they just uploaded files? If automatically populated, are these values available for review before submitting the report? |
307 | Q307 | Subpart C | How do you report a unit in e-GGRT that uses Tier 2 or 3 for part of the year and CEMS for the remainder of the year? |
308 | Q308 | Subpart C | How do you report in e-GGRT a fuel that changed calculation methodology from Tier 1 to Tier 2 for a given configuration during the middle of the year? |
310 | Q310 | Subpart AA | For subpart AA in e-GGRT, on the screen to enter CO2 emissions from makeup chemicals, why are there two boxes to check? |
311 | Q311 | Subpart AA | For subpart AA in e-GGRT, can a reporter add multiple instances of makeup chemical use? |
312 | Q312 | Confidential Business Information (CBI) | Will the data I submit in e-GGRT be treated as CBI? |
313 | Q313 | Confidential Business Information (CBI) | Can I mark my data as CBI in e-GGRT? |
314 | Q314 | Confidential Business Information (CBI) | Can I designate data as CBI in my XML file? |
315 | Q315 | Confidential Business Information (CBI) | EPA has said that data submitted during the testing period will not be treated as confidential. Is there a risk that data submitted during testing will be made publicly available? |
317 | Q317 | Confidential Business Information (CBI) | Are inputs to emission equations whose reporting deadline was deferred until 2013 being collected in e-GGRT? |
318 | Q318 | XML Reporting | Should reporters include calculation inputs when they upload XML files? |
319 | Q319 | Confidential Business Information (CBI) | Are reporters required to use the calculation spreadsheets provided by EPA or may they use their own spreadsheets? |
320 | Q320 | Confidential Business Information (CBI) | Should reporters using the calculation spreadsheets submit them to EPA? |
322 | Q322 | Subpart C | To what precision should emission values for CO2, N2O, and CH4 be reported in e-GGRT? |
325 | Q325 | Subpart C | What are biogenic emissions? |
326 | Q326 | Subpart C | What are non-biogenic CO2 emissions? |
327 | Q327 | Subpart C | If multiple subparts apply to our sources such as subparts A, C, and D, are we reporting data under all three subparts? |
328 | Q328 | Subpart C | For Tier 4 configurations, if there is no missing data, do you still have to report total operating hours in the reporting year and zeros for hours in which substitute data was use? |
329 | Q329 | Subpart C | Is a blend of natural gas and biogas a unique fuel type that must be added? |
330 | Q330 | Subpart C | If a natural gas common pipe is connected to a series of small combustion units and a subpart D unit, how should emissions be reported? |
331 | Q331 | Subpart C | Am I required to report emissions for emergency generators? |
332 | Q332 | Subpart C | Is there a limit on the number of units or fuel types listed for an aggregation of units configuration? |
333 | Q333 | Subpart C | Can you change configuration types from year to year? |
334 | Q334 | Subpart C | Is there any flexibility in deciding what configuration type I can use for a unit or group of units? |
335 | Q335 | Subpart C | Am I required to enter emissions for each fuel type? |
337 | Q337 | Subpart C | If a facility is permitted to burn fuel of a certain type, is it required to identify that fuel type in e-GGRT? |
338 | Q338 | Subpart C | For Tier 3, if I have multiple combustion sources using a single fuel type, should I enter this as an aggregation of units? |
339 | Q339 | Subpart D | Will a subpart D unit that co-fires biogas have to set up both Subpart D and C modules to calculate the biogenic CO2 per 98.33? |
341 | Q341 | Subpart P | Does subpart P require me to account for ammonia emitted as an air emission? |
342 | Q342 | Subpart Y | Are you required to submit information for all of the "facility-level emissions" categories within Subpart Y, even if no emissions exist for some categories? |
345 | Q345 | Subpart Y | For storage tank emissions reported in Subpart Y, do you enter aggregate emissions or emissions on a tank-by-tank basis? |
346 | Q346 | Subpart AA | Is a paper making company required to report GHG emissions under Subpart AA if the only source of emissions is on -site combustion? |
347 | Q347 | Subpart HH | What is meant by manufacturer of gas collection system? |
348 | Q348 | Subpart HH | What if two methods are used to estimate waste disposal quantities in a single year? How does a reporter indicate that in e-GGRT? |
349 | Q349 | Subpart HH | My facility has a gas collection system and some gas is sent off-site while the rest is consumed on-site. How should I report this in e-GGRT? |
350 | Q350 | Subpart HH | What if I have more than one landfill or more than one cell at my facility, one is closed, one is open, and each has a different waste content? |
352 | Q352 | Subpart HH | What are definitions of wet and dry gas in subpart HH? |
353 | Q353 | Subpart HH | If a LFG flow meter malfunctions and is out for service for a week or two, are we required to have a backup meter or can we use the estimating missing data provisions of 98.345 to estimate the gas volumes during the period that the meter was not in place? |
354 | Q354 | Subpart HH | Do the emission formulas differ from those used in LandGEM? |
355 | Q355 | Subpart HH | Do we have to use the quantity of waste disposed of for every year since 1960 to calculate the modeled CH4 generation rate? |
356 | Q356 | Subpart HH | How far back in the past do we answer questions about the facility? How do we handle unknown information when the site was owned by someone prior? |
357 | Q357 | Subpart HH | A site has 3 cells. Cells 1 and 2 have active LFG collection systems and cell 3 does not, how do we proceed? |
358 | Q358 | Subpart HH | If we have an MSW landfill with other types of landfills (e.g., a C&D portion) at our facility, do we have to count those other non-MSW landfill portions towards our methane generation? |
359 | Q359 | Subpart HH | If the landfill accepts only incinerator ash (inert) and does not generate gas, should we consider reporting the quantities of ash? |
360 | Q360 | Subpart HH | How do you address a landfill which may have portions of lined and unlined areas at the same landfill? |
361 | Q361 | Subpart HH | I am required to provide the values of Equations HH-5 to HH-8. How are the waste depth data and surface area data used? |
362 | Q362 | Subpart HH | How do we account for highly variable landfill designs with variable depths and different cover cross-sections under Subpart HH? |
363 | Q363 | Subpart OO | Does the information from the Reporting Forms populate e-GRRT fields or are they just uploaded files? If automatically populated, are these values available for review before submitting the report? |
364 | Q364 | Subpart OO | How do I calculate addition to the "net supply"? |
365 | Q365 | Subpart OO | Why do net additions of GHGs have to be added manually when they already exist in the uploaded |
366 | Q366 | Subpart OO | Can we upload multiple copies of the same file if we have more than 10 processes? How will eGGRT know that the second copy is a report for processes 11-20 and not just an overwrite of the report filed for processes 1-10? For more than 10 production processes and multiple forms, can we just fill out Part 2 of the additional forms (process information, not facility information)? |
387 | Q387 | Subpart L | Are processes with scrubbers that decompose F-GHGs required to submit the one-time report required by §98.126i, even though they have no combustion control device and do not technically emit "PICs" from the scrubber vent ? |
388 | Q388 | Subpart A | Who must submit requests and one-time reports to EPA under Part 98? |
389 | Q389 | Subpart HH | Within e-GGRT, how would a landfill handle multiple destruction devices including a portion of the gas sent off-site for destruction? Is there a way to add multiple on-site destruction devices for a gas system? |
390 | Q390 | Subpart OO | How do I report imports and exports of refrigerant blends that contain both HCFCs and HFCs? |
391 | Q391 | XML Reporting | Will XML reporting instructions cover the combination of multiple units at one facility? |
392 | Q392 | XML Reporting | My XML editor is showing an error on the namespace declaration. How do I resolve it? |
393 | Q393 | XML Reporting | Will the e-GGRT XML reporting schema be made available as a single XSD file instead of a number of small files? |
394 | Q394 | XML Reporting | Are there tools available that will generate an e-GGRT XML file out of the values in our database? |
395 | Q395 | XML Reporting | Can I enter test data using the web forms, generate a report as XML and use that as a guideline for creating XML files? |
396 | Q396 | XML Reporting | What happens if I upload multiple XML files for a facility during the reporting period? Which one counts as the "official" submission? |
397 | Q397 | XML Reporting | Will e-GGRT provide an error message that points to the specific tag or data element if an upload fails the schema validation check? |
398 | Q398 | XML Reporting | I understand that an XML file must cover one and only one facility. Will e-GGRT support uploading XML files for multiple facilities at one time? |
399 | Q399 | XML Reporting | What file extensions does e-GGRT support for XML upload? |
400 | Q400 | XML Reporting | After I use the "Bulk upload of XML" option for a facility can I switch to the "Data entry via e-GGRT web-forms" option? |
401 | Q401 | XML Reporting | If I report via web forms this year can I change to XML next year? |
402 | Q402 | XML Reporting | Is there a required version attribute on the XML schema? |
403 | Q403 | XML Reporting | Is an XML file submission subject to all the same validation checks as when using the web forms? |
404 | Q404 | XML Reporting | Will reporters be able to upload an XML file and then edit the data via web forms? |
405 | Q405 | GHG Data & Publication | What are the benefits of this data? |
406 | Q406 | GHG Data & Publication | What is the scope of this data? |
407 | Q407 | GHG Data & Publication | How does EPA review the data for accuracy? |
408 | Q408 | GHG Data & Publication | Should I be worried about a local facility's GHG emissions? |
409 | Q409 | GHG Data & Publication | In what year was each source category required to begin reporting? |
410 | Q410 | GHG Data & Publication | What can a facility do to reduce its GHG emissions? |
411 | Q411 | GHG Data & Publication | How is the GHG Reporting Program data different from the U.S. GHG Inventory? |
412 | Q412 | GHG Data & Publication | What do the quantities of GHG emissions mean in everyday terms? |
413 | Q413 | GHG Data & Publication | What percentage of total U.S. GHG emissions is covered in the GHG Reporting Program? |
414 | Q414 | GHG Data & Publication | How can I determine what percentage of total GHGs come from a particular sector since the GHG Reporting Program (GHGRP) does not cover 100% of U.S. emissions? |
415 | Q415 | GHG Data & Publication | EPA's Data Publication Tool shows a reporting facility nearby, but I don't see a factory or other facility that would emit large amounts of GHGs. Is that a mistake? |
417 | Q417 | XML Reporting | Is there documentation on how e-GGRT performs rounding in calculations? |
420 | Q420 | Subpart A | Will EPA be specifying an electronic submission format for facilities needing to notify EPA of delayed 2012 reporting under 98.3(b)(1)? |
422 | Q422 | GHG Data & Publication | Why does the reporting tool show dashes for some of the data? |
423 | Q423 | GHG Data & Publication | What is the difference between direct emitters and suppliers? |
424 | Q424 | GHG Data & Publication | Why can’t I view data from direct emitters and suppliers together? |
425 | Q425 | GHG Data & Publication | Can I obtain the raw GHG data? |
426 | Q426 | GHG Data & Publication | Will the GHG Reporting Program negate the need for the U.S GHG Inventory in the future? |
428 | Q428 | GHG Data & Publication | When will 2021 GHG data be finalized? |
430 | Q430 | GHG Data & Publication | The factory nearby isn’t listed. Why not? |
431 | Q431 | GHG Data & Publication | Where can I get information on other emissions from these facilities (i.e., toxics, SO2, PM)? |
433 | Q433 | GHG Data & Publication | What is EPA’s plan for incorporating the GHG Reporting Program data into the U.S. GHG Inventory? |
435 | Q435 | Subpart W | Who is required to report under subpart W? |
436 | Q436 | Subpart W | What GHG emissions at oil and natural gas system facilities are covered under the rule? |
438 | Q438 | Subpart W | Do the facility definitions in this rule affect other EPA reporting requirements? |
439 | Q439 | Subpart W | How does this final rule relate to EPA’s Natural Gas STAR program? |
441 | Q441 | Subpart W | When registering my subpart W facility in e-GGRT, how should I enter the facility address? |
443 | Q443 | Subpart W | How is the petroleum and natural gas systems source category defined? |
444 | Q444 | Subpart W | Who must report under subpart W (oil and natural gas systems)? |
445 | Q445 | Subpart W | What gases must be reported by oil and natural gas system facilities? |
446 | Q446 | Subpart W | How are greenhouse gas emissions calculated for subpart W (oil and natural gas systems) facilities? |
447 | Q447 | Subpart W | What information must be reported by subpart W (oil and natural gas systems) facilities? |
448 | Q448 | Subpart A | When must I submit my annual GHG report? |
450 | Q450 | Subpart A | Can I use BAMMs beyond December 31, 2011 for subparts I, L and W? |
451 | Q451 | Subpart A | What are the flow meter calibration requirements? |
456 | Q456 | XML Reporting | Does e-GGRT support uploading XML files for multiple facilities at one time? |
457 | Q457 | XML Reporting | What is an IVT Inputs XML file? |
455 | Q455 | Subpart A | Will EPA provide a template for the monitoring plans and review plans? |
460 | Q460 | Subpart W | Will EPA provide a tool to assist oil and natural gas system facilities in assessing their applicability under this rule? |
461 | Q461 | Subpart W | When does reporting for subpart W begin? |
462 | Q462 | Subpart W | Does the final rule amending 40 CFR Part 98 apply to both onshore and offshore petroleum and natural gas production? |
463 | Q463 | Subpart W | Are sites in south Louisiana located within the State boundaries in lakes, bays, and bayous (not in Federal waters but subject to the ebb and flow of the tide) considered to be seaward of the terrestrial border and thus offshore? |
464 | Q464 | Subpart W | Are emissions from stationary sources of fuel combustion to be quantified and reported in accordance with the methodologies specified in 40 CFR Part 98 Subpart C and not as described in BOEMRE's GOADS instructions? |
465 | Q465 | Subpart W | Does an offshore facility reported in the GOADS 2008 that did not exceed the combined emissions threshold for subparts C and W sources of more than 25,000 metric tons CO2e have to report GHG emissions for RY2011 if emissions exceed this threshold? |
466 | Q466 | Subpart W | Would an offshore facility that emits 20,000 metric tons CO2e from from subpart W sources based on GOADS calculation methodology and 10,000 metric tons CO2e from stationary combustion sources be required to report GHG emissions during 2011? |
467 | Q467 | Subpart W | Can we use 2011 BOEMRE data, rather than the previously available data from 2008, for reporting RY2011 emissions from an offshore petroleum and natural gas production facility? |
468 | Q468 | Subpart W | If an offshore oil and gas production platform or facility is farther out in the ocean than the limit of state waters, as defined by the Submerged Lands Act, does that facility have to report emissions data to EPA for Subpart C? |
470 | Q470 | Subpart W | Is it necessary to monitor of "hours operated" for "natural gas, diesel, and dual-fired turbines" as required in Subpart W via GOADS. |
471 | Q471 | Subpart W | How are new offshore facilities that are subject to GOADS supposed to report in 2012? Since published GOADS data are not available, should they be using the GOADS methodologies to calculate the emissions? |
478 | Q478 | Subpart W | Are the emissions factors listed in Table W-1A for both leaking components and non-leaking components? How do you calculate emissions from leaking components if onshore petroleum and natural gas source are not required to monitor components? |
479 | Q479 | Subpart W | In 98.233(j)(1) is the average thoroughput of oil an annual or daily average? |
480 | Q480 | Subpart W | How should the daily oil throughput for onshore production storage tanks be determined to compare with the threshold of 10 barrels a day in 98.233.j(1)? |
481 | Q481 | Subpart W | Which calculation from 98.233(o) should be used for centrifugal compressor venting at onshore petroleum and natural gas production facilities? |
482 | Q482 | Subpart W | Does EPA have the hydrocarbon basin map referenced in 98.238 available on their website? |
483 | Q483 | Subpart W | For combustion equipment that triggered Subpart C reporting, can this be incorporated into Subpart W reporting for CY2011, or will there be 2 separate (Subpart C and Subpart W) reporting schema? |
484 | Q484 | Subpart W | Section 98.230(a)(3) states that processing plants "that do not fractionate but have an annual average throughput of 25 MMscf per day or greater" are included in the source category. Is this based on annual average daily flow or max design capacity? |
485 | Q485 | Subpart W | What is the definition of "fractionate" and "fractionation" in 98.230(a)(3)? |
487 | Q487 | Subpart W | Under onshore natural gas processing where are vent emissions reported? |
488 | Q488 | Subpart W | In 98.230(a)(3), is 25 mmscf per day the design capacity for a processing plant or the actual capacity? |
489 | Q489 | Subpart W | If a natural gas processing plant is co-located with an underground storage facility and they share compression, can they report as one combined facility? |
490 | Q490 | Subpart W | If fuel gas lines are not owned or operated by a gas processing facility, but are on the gas processing facility property, do the fuel gas lines need to be monitored for equipment leaks? |
491 | Q491 | Subpart W | Please confirm that a facility which processes an inlet gas stream with a methane content of less than 70% by volume, and a heating value of less than 910 Btu per standard cubic foot is excluded from the Onshore Natural Gas Processing segment. |
492 | Q492 | Subpart W | Are facilities designed solely to fractionate natural gas liquid streams (and do not receive a gaseous form of natural gas containing methane) subject to subpart W? |
493 | Q493 | Subpart W | How should I calculate the reporting threshold for onshore natural gas processing plants that do not fractionate gas liquids? |
494 | Q494 | Subpart W | What is the basis for the 25 MMscfd threshold for gas processing facilities in 98.230(a)(3) and how often must a facility re-evaluate whether it falls below this threshold? |
495 | Q495 | Subpart W | Which takes precedence for determining the Subpart W applicability of a natural gas processing facility- the 25,000 MT CO2e threshold (under 98.2(a)(2)) or the 25 MMscf per day throughput (under 98.230(a)(3))? |
496 | Q496 | Subpart W | May engineering calculations be used for flare gas composition in equations W-19 through W-21 if the flared stream is a combination of gases from before and after the demethanizer as well as hydrocarbon product? |
497 | Q497 | Subpart W | Does the onshore natural gas processing source category include the dehydrator or "knockout pot" in the example? |
498 | Q498 | Subpart W | Under subpart W, are we required to calculate potential GHG emissions from compressors at a natural gas processing facility that are only used for refrigeration and use 100% propane? |
499 | Q499 | Subpart W | Under Subpart W of Part 98, the definition of Natural Gas Processing provides an unclear explanation of fractionation, additionally, fractionation is not defined within the rule. |
500 | Q500 | Subpart W | What is the difference between the methods in 98.233(k) and 98.234(a)(1) for monitoring tank emissions? How do we treat intermittent emission from the storage tank? Can we use an alternative method to quantify the emissions? |
502 | Q502 | Subpart W | For transmission tank venting sent to the flare, the reporter is referred to the emissions source for flare stack emissions, but guidance is only provided for upstream production and gas processing in this section. |
503 | Q503 | Subpart W | In the natural gas transmission segment, do only condensate tanks at the facilities require leak checks (not other tanks at the facility or not at the facility)? |
504 | Q504 | Subpart W | The definition of the onshore natural gas transmission compression includes "any stationary combustion of compressors that move natural gas at elevated pressure |
505 | Q505 | Subpart W | How does a natural gas compressor station that operates compressors for natural gas transmission and an emergency generator determine subpart applicability? |
506 | Q506 | Subpart W | Are CO2 pipelines subject to the Onshore natural gas transmission compression segment under 40 CFR 98 subpart W? |
507 | Q507 | Subpart W | How do we report emissions from separate facilities that inject or withdraw gas from the same underground storage reservoir? |
508 | Q508 | Subpart W | Could EPA clarify that the natural gas stored in high pressure steel bottles at peak-shaving stations should NOT be considered an underground natural gas storage facility under Subpart W? |
509 | Q509 | Subpart W | What is the definition of “facility” for underground storage? |
510 | Q510 | Subpart W | If a company owns and operates an underground storage facility but the associated storage wellheads are owned jointly with a second company but operated by the second company, should the respective operators to submit separate emission reports? |
511 | Q511 | Subpart W | Why do natural gas storage facilities not have different emission factors for compressor and non-compressor components like those for the natural gas transmission segment. |
512 | Q512 | Subpart W | Does Subpart W require reporting of emissions during the salt dome mining process to create an underground natural gas storage facility or does reporting start only when natural gas is introduced for load balancing or storage? |
513 | Q513 | Subpart W | Subpart W Table W-4 has four sections in the final Federal Register publication. The first and third sections are both labeled "Leaker Emission Factors Storage Station, Gas Service" and both tables have an entry for "Open-ended Line". |
514 | Q514 | Subpart W | How should we report a facility that combines onshore petroleum and natural gas production and natural gas storage by injecting natural gas for the purposes of both enhanced oil recoveray and storage? |
515 | Q515 | Subpart W | Are dehydration units that are used to dehydrate natural gas extracted from underground storage included within the definition of underground natural gas storage facility? |
516 | Q516 | Subpart W | For liquefied natural gas facility equipment that is in gas service, is only the equipment listed in Table W-5 (Vapor Recovery Compressor) required to be reported if it is found to be leaking as defined in the rule? |
517 | Q517 | Subpart W | Do I have to calculate emissions from operational LNG storage tank venting at LNG storage facilities or LNG import or export terminals? |
518 | Q518 | Subpart W | How are we to treat GHG reporting applicability offshore LNG where the offshore terminal is basically buoy out in the ocean where a ship connects, regasifies the LNG onboard and injects natural gas under pressure into the pipeline? |
519 | Q519 | Subpart W | Is an LNG Storage vessel considered “above ground” if any portion of the vessel is above grade? |
520 | Q520 | Subpart W | At LNG Storage sites, how should pumps that are internal and submerged be treated? |
521 | Q521 | Subpart W | For a facility with equipment classified under 40 CFR 98.232(h)(4), is the correct methodology to conduct a leak detection survey as in 98.233(q) and use 98.233(r) to estimate emissions from sources determined to be leaking? |
522 | Q522 | Subpart W | Are LNG storage sites located adjacent to subpart D facilities under “common control” required to report emissions under the subpart D “facility” or should the LDC report the emissions under subpart W? |
523 | Q523 | Subpart W | Are natural gas distribution facilities required to report emissions from residential and commercial customer meters and associated regulator(s) under §98.232(i )? |
524 | Q524 | Subpart W | For a liquefied natural gas import facility, do boil-off venting emissions from an LNG storage tank need to be reported? |
525 | Q525 | Subpart W | Please explain how many leak detection surveys must be conducted a calendar year? Must a facility indicate in advance how many surveys will be conducted in the year? |
526 | Q526 | Subpart W | What happens if an LDC goes out to a custody transfer city gate station year after year and finds that it has no leaking components? Could EPA provide a sunset provision so that annual leak surveys would no longer be required? |
542 | Q542 | Subpart W | In 98.236(c)(3)(i) is the "total throughput off the acid gas removal unit" to be reported is the volume of gas exiting the AGR unit (outlet gas), not the volume of gas vented to atmosphere? |
543 | Q543 | Subpart W | In 98.233.d.8 are we allowed to assume that volume fraction of CO2 content in natural gas out of the AGR unit is zero? |
544 | Q544 | Subpart W | Do acid gas removal units which are used only to sweeten a liquid stream meet the definition of acid gas removal units? |
545 | Q545 | Subpart W | If all of the emissions from an AGR unit are recovered and transferred outside of the facility, does the facility still need to calculate emissions pursuant to Section 98.233(d)(11) and then "reduce" the emission to zero? |
546 | Q546 | Subpart W | Can facilities performing on-site acid gas injection estimate their emissions downward according to the provisions in 98.233(d)(11) for AGR unit emissions recovered and transferred outside the facility? |
548 | Q548 | Subpart W | For AGR vents is the use of a meter to measure flow rates required? |
553 | Q553 | Subpart W | For which units of measure are we required to calculate and report emissions using Equation W-3? May we use a flow meter to calculate annual emission CO2? |
557 | Q557 | Subpart W | For blowdown vent stacks does the 98.233.i reference to containers less than 50 cubic feet total physical volume refer to a gas volume or a physical container volume? |
558 | Q558 | Subpart W | ay average blowdown volumes be used for industry segments (processing, transmission, and LNG imports-exports) where reporting of this emission source is required? |
576 | Q576 | Subpart W | In 98.233(e), is the daily thoroughput for glycol dehydrators based on annual average daily thoroughput? |
578 | Q578 | Subpart W | Do dehydrators which are used to dry a liquid stream meet the definition of dehydrator? |
579 | Q579 | Subpart W | The emission methods for dehydrator vents with daily throughputs less than 0.4 MMscfd in the preamble (use flow rate of wet NG and EF) contradict the requirements in the rule (use dehydrator count and EF). |
580 | Q580 | Subpart W | For onshore petroleum and natural gas facility dehydrator vents at glycol dehydrators with throughputs less than 0.4 million standard cubic feet per day, can GRI-GLYCalc be used instead of Method 2 in §98.233(e)(2)? |
581 | Q581 | Subpart W | Under §98.233(e)(1), emissions must be calculated from dehydrator vents with throughput greater than or equal to 0.4 million standard cubic feet per day. Is this throughput specific to vent throughput or dehydrator throughput? |
586 | Q586 | Subpart W | For Equation W-21, Flare Emissions, Do you use "5" for Rj (number of carbon atoms) for hydrocarbons with more than 5 carbons? |
588 | Q588 | Subpart W | Are flare emissions included in the 98.2(a)(3)(iii) combined emissions from all stationary fuel combustion sources when determining applicability for Subpart W per §98.231(a)? |
593 | Q593 | Subpart W | Emissions from flares are specifically excluded under 98.232(e) but methods for these emissions are provided in 98.233. Can you clarify which section of the rule is the correct guiding action? |
595 | Q595 | Subpart W | Does a simple open pipe with no flare tip count as a flare under 98.233 (n ) in Subpart W? |
597 | Q597 | Subpart W | Under Subpart W, under both the onshore production and gas processing source categories, are we required to report emissions from all flares at the gas processing facility or on or associated with a well pad, including emergency flares? |
605 | Q605 | Subpart W | Can data from a state permit-required fugitive emissions monitoring program already in place, which has a lower leak detection rate of 500 ppm, be used to estimate fugitive greenhouse gas emissions under §98.233(q)? |
606 | Q606 | Subpart W | Does 98.233(q), "Leak detection and leaker emission factors," apply to wellheads, separators at well site, storage tanks and other equipment defined by "production equipment"? |
613 | Q613 | Subpart W | Is there any way we can get unlocked subpart W screening spreadsheets from the applicability tool? |
614 | Q614 | Subpart W | The applicability tool for Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas has an operating factor for associated gas venting from produced hydrocarbons. How does this operating factor correlate with the barrels of crude oil produced? |
615 | Q615 | Subpart W | For a 2011 report with the "Liquefied Natural Gas Storage" option selected, how does the "calculation utility" excel spreadsheet account for "Population Count and Emission Factors" when providing the user with a final CO2e number? |
616 | Q616 | Subpart W | Where can I find the screening tool for onshore petroleum and natural gas production? |
617 | Q617 | Subpart W | Does EPA offer guidance on how to estimate a worst case scenario for GHG emissions from transmission storage tanks for purpose of determining applicability? |
618 | Q618 | Subpart W | In the applicability tool calculation spreadsheets, why do transmission compression and underground storage differ in the units used for vented emission from reciprocating compressor rod-packing venting? |
619 | Q619 | Subpart W | For a facility that operates stationary combustion equipment and only became subject to 40 CFR part 98 due to subpart W related emissions, should the monitoring plan have been put in place a by January 1 or April 1, 2011? |
620 | Q620 | Subpart W | Will the proposed amendments to subpart W issued on June 20, 2011 that delay the due date for BAMM extension requests to December 31, 2011 be finalized before the existing deadline in the rule of July 31, 2011? |
621 | Q621 | Subpart W | Is there a PowerPoint presentation available on the reporting rule signed by Administrator Jackson on November 8, 2010 for the petroleum and natural gas facilities? |
622 | Q622 | Subpart W | Do the emissions from external combustion sources with rated heat capacity equal to or less than 5 mmBtu per hour need to be included in the 25,000 metric ton threshold determination? |
623 | Q623 | Subpart W | My question concerns the calculation of standard temperature and pressure. The rule stipulates what standard temperature and pressure are, but how, for an annual average, is actual temperature and pressure defined? |
624 | Q624 | Subpart W | Should self-propelled workover equipment and truck loading and unloading be included for reporting GHG emissions under Subpart W? |
625 | Q625 | Subpart W | How do I define a facility under subpart W? Are all industry segments included in one annual GHG report? |
629 | Q629 | Subpart DD | To what extent does a subpart DD facility include potential subpart C sources located in the same physical structure? Would it include sources using natural gas for comfort heating in warehouses and office complexes on the electric power system? |
637 | Q637 | Subpart A | What should I do if my facility ceased operations? |
638 | Q638 | Subpart W | For an onshore natural gas production facility for which I reported stationary combustion emissions under subpart C for RY2010 and for which I will be reporting under subpart W for RY2011, do I need to make any changes to my RY2010 report? |
639 | Q639 | Subpart W | For an onshore natural gas production facility that was subject to subpart C for RY2010 and will be subject to subpart W for RY2011, do I report my basin emissions under the same facility registration I used for my RY2010 report? |
641 | Q641 | Subpart DD | Our utility owns power plants that are subject to Part 98 subpart D and 100-150 substations. Do we report SF6 and PFC emissions under subpart DD as a separate facility or together? |
642 | Q642 | Subpart DD | Our facility owns SF6- or PFC-containing equipment, but we are not an electric power transmission or distribution entity as defined in 98.308. Are we required to report emissions under subpart DD? |
643 | Q643 | Subpart DD | Should we report the SF6 and PFC emissions from a substation located at a power plant subject to subpart D under subpart DD? If so, would the SF6 and PFC emissions be reported under the same report as the subpart D emissions or as a separate report? |
644 | Q644 | Subpart DD | At what point during the year does the reporting threshold apply for subpart DD? |
646 | Q646 | Subpart DD | Our facility has SF6 gas cylinders. Do we include those in reporting under subpart DD? |
649 | Q649 | Subpart DD | Hermetic seals should not leak. Do we include the quantity of SF6 contained in hermetically sealed equipment when determining applicability under subpart DD? |
651 | Q651 | Subpart W | Would a monitoring plan that results in 10% of stations being monitored in each of years 1 and 2, 40% in year 3, 20% in year 4 and 20% in year five, be consistent with the rule language of “approximately equal across all years in the cycle.” |
652 | Q652 | Subpart W | Are the results of Equations W-11A and W-11B in standard conditions or actual conditions? |
655 | Q655 | Subpart W | Are geologic provinces 160 and 160A one basin or separate basins for the purposes of defining a facility for onshore petroleum and natural gas production? |
656 | Q656 | Subpart Y | My fluidized catalytic cracking unit (FCCU) is monitored by a CEMs. How should those emissions be reported? |
665 | Q665 | Facility Registration | How does EPA define “identification of the facility or supplier” in 98.4(i )(1) with regard to a facility’s certificate of representation? |
666 | Q666 | Subpart UU | How does EPA define “identification of the facility or supplier” in 98.4( i )(1) with regard to a facility’s certificate of representation? |
667 | Q667 | Subpart W | How do I determine applicability for Subpart W facilities with stationary combustion sources? |
669 | Q669 | Subpart UU | How should the “physical street address” be reported for Subpart UU facilities that don’t have a physical street address? |
671 | Q671 | Subpart TT | If an industrial landfill did not receive waste in the reporting year but is expected to receive waste in future years, should the landfill be classified as "open" or "closed" for GHG reporting purposes? |
672 | Q672 | Subpart TT | How many samples or test results are required if a facility is using a 60-day anaerobic biodegradation test to determine if their industrial waste landfill is exempt from reporting GHG emissions under §98.460(c)(2)(xiii)? |
673 | Q673 | Subpart TT | Must I report waste streams that are defined as inert and, if I do, what DOC value must I use for this waste stream? |
674 | Q674 | Subpart TT | My facility generates construction and demolition (C&D) waste, among other waste streams. Do I need to report my C&D waste? |
675 | Q675 | Subpart TT | Can you report multiple industrial waste landfills at one facility in e-GGRT? |
676 | Q676 | Subpart TT | For evaluating eligibility for the inert waste reporting exemption, can a 60-day anaerobic biodegradation test be used to determine the DOC of a waste stream similar to one managed historically but not received during the first reporting year? |
677 | Q677 | Subpart TT | For a facility required to report, what test may be used to determine volatile solids concentration of a waste stream that is similar to an historically managed waste stream that was not received during the first reporting year? |
683 | Q683 | GHG Data & Publication | What do I do if I see an error in the data shown for a facility? |
686 | Q686 | Subpart FF | What is the definition of facility as it relates to mines and coal mine methane energy plants? |
687 | Q687 | Subpart FF | If all of our coal mine methane gets piped offsite to another facility, what do we need to report? |
688 | Q688 | Subpart FF | Does the 25,000 ton CO2e per year limit (threshold) apply to the compressors individually, or in aggregate (all such compressors or equipment at the mine)? |
689 | Q689 | Subpart FF | Is a “methane buster", aka “methane exhauster", (compressor that runs on some of the methane from the borehole) without a flare required to be reported under Subpart FF? |
690 | Q690 | Subpart FF | Where do I report CO2 emissions from compressors used at the mine that run on methane? |
691 | Q691 | Subpart FF | What is the definition of portable equipment? |
692 | Q692 | Subpart FF | What is the GWP for methane that is used for this rule? |
693 | Q693 | Subpart FF | In equation FF-1, is the value supposed to be standard cubic feet per minute, or actual cubic feet per minute? |
694 | Q694 | Subpart FF | Are there any provisions for extended inaccessibility of remote sites (e.g., degasification or gob vent boreholes) due to inclement weather (e.g., deep snow) that may restrict site access for weeks or even months? |
695 | Q695 | Subpart P | What is a hydrogen production process unit? |
696 | Q696 | Subpart P | Should combustion emissions from a steam methane reforming (SMR) furnace be reported under subpart C or subpart P? Is the answer different if the process heater used to provide heat needed for the SMR reaction has a separate exhaust stack from the SMR unit’s tail gas? |
697 | Q697 | Subpart P | How should fuels and feedstocks be reported for hydrogen production process units? |
698 | Q698 | Subpart P | How do I determine the quantity of hydrogen produced and the quantity of hydrogen purified? |
699 | Q699 | Subpart P | How do I determine the quantity of CO2 emissions produced for hydrogen production process units that use multiple fuels and feedstocks? |
700 | Q700 | Subpart Y | Should material vented to a flare on a daily or otherwise frequent basis due to the cyclic operation of certain units be considered a startup, shutdown, or malfunction (SSM) event in Equation Y-3? |
701 | Q701 | Subpart Y | In Equation Y-3, startup, shutdown, or malfunction (SSM) events exceeding 500,000 standard cubic feet per day (scf per day) must be reported. What time period and flare gas volume should be used to assess if this threshold was exceeded? |
702 | Q702 | Subpart Y | For a startup, shutdown, or malfunction (SSM) event lasting several days, should the flare flow term in Equation Y-3 include the cumulative flow for the entire event or only for the day(s) during which the 500,000 scf per day threshold was exceeded? |
703 | Q703 | Subpart A | What must I do if EPA notifies me of a potential substantive error in an annual GHG report? |
708 | Q708 | Subpart MM, Subpart LL | If I am a refinery or coal-to-liquid facility required to report under subpart MM or LL and also report direct emissions under another Part 98 subpart, do I need one e-GGRT registered entity or two? Which subparts do I include in each report? |
709 | Q709 | Subpart MM, Subpart LL | If my corporation owns refineries or coal-to-liquids facilities subject to subpart MM or subpart LL and also imports and/or exports sufficient petroleum products or coal-based liquid products to be required to report imports and/or exports under subpart MM or subpart LL, can I submit one e-GGRT report or do I need to submit multiple reports? |
718 | Q718 | Subpart W | Will EPA approve the use of BAMM relating to the measurement of isolation valves at compressors in the shut down depressurized mode that are to be measured at least once every three calendar years? |
719 | Q719 | Subpart FF | How do we determine if our underground coal mine is required to report its emissions to EPA? |
720 | Q720 | GHG Data and Publication | How does EPA group the source categories that report GHG data into sectors for purposes of publication? |
721 | Q721 | GHG Data and Publication | For certain sectors, why is the GHG data not necessarily comparable between 2010 and subsequent reporting years? |
724 | Q724 | GHG Data and Publication | Why are emissions from petroleum and natural gas systems – onshore production represented by geographic areas instead of individual point sources? |
725 | Q725 | GHG Data and Publication | How is an R&D project defined for geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide (Subpart RR)? |
726 | Q726 | GHG Data and Publication | What are the reporting requirements for geologic sequestration research and development (R&D) projects under the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program? |
727 | Q727 | GHG Data and Publication | Where do I download GHGRP data? |
728 | Q728 | GHG Data and Publication | Does EPA archive past versions of the GHGRP data set? |
730 | Q730 | Subpart W | What emissions are reported for petroleum and natural gas systems facilities? |
731 | Q731 | Subpart W | What segments of the petroleum and natural gas systems sector are covered by the GHGRP? |
732 | Q732 | Subpart W | Does the GHGRP include all U.S. emissions from petroleum and natural gas systems? |
733 | Q733 | Subpart W | What percentage of emissions from petroleum and natural gas systems are reported under the GHGRP? |
734 | Q734 | Subpart W | How does EPA define a “facility” for petroleum and natural gas systems? |
735 | Q735 | Subpart W | Why did EPA require that facilities conducting onshore petroleum and natural gas production report by basin? |
736 | Q736 | Subpart W | Did all petroleum and natural gas system facilities subject to the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program report to EPA? |
737 | Q737 | Subpart W | What is the quality of the petroleum and natural gas systems data? |
738 | Q738 | Subpart W | How did the use of Best Available Monitoring Methods (BAMM) affect emissions? |
739 | Q739 | Subpart W | How does the petroleum and natural gas systems data reported under the GHGRP compare to the data reported to the California Air Resources Board (CARB)? |
741 | Q741 | GHG Data and Publication | Why did some facilities that have emissions below 25,000 metric tons CO2e submit a GHG report? |
742 | Q742 | GHG Data and Publication | How can I generate a list of facilities affiliated with a given parent company? What should I know before I use the parent company data? |
743 | Q743 | Subpart HH | My site has a gas collection system that did not operate at all during the reporting year, but did operate in prior reporting years. Which equations should I use to calculate my methane generation and GHG emissions for the current reporting year? |
744 | Q744 | Subpart HH | Can a site receiving inert or construction and demolition (C&D) wastes in addition to bulk MSW use the “material specific modeling approach” for the inert or C&D wastes and then use the bulk waste DOC value of 0.20 for the MSW? |
745 | Q745 | Subpart HH | A portion of my landfill is covered with a geomembrane, but e-GGRT does not include that as a choice when asking about the type of cover material used. What should I select? Are there definitions for the types of cover materials? |
746 | Q746 | Subpart HH | What is the best way to determine the surface area of my landfill if there is significant surface topography? |
747 | Q747 | Subpart TT | What is the best way to determine the surface area of my landfill if there is significant surface topography? |
748 | Q748 | Subpart HH | What is meant by landfill capacity? |
749 | Q749 | Subpart W | What are the notification requirements when an Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Production facility, reporting under Subpart W, sells wells and associated equipment in a basin? |
750 | Q750 | Subpart W | Will EPA approve the use of Subpart W Best Available Monitoring Methods (BAMM) relating to the measurement of compressor vents routed to flare? |
751 | Q751 | Subpart W | Will EPA approve the use of Subpart W Best Available Monitoring Methods (BAMM) relating to the measurement of individual compressor vents routed a common manifold? |
752 | Q752 | GHG Data & Publication | I recently re-submitted a GHG report. When will EPA update the publication materials to show my revised data? |
753 | Q753 | Subpart C | How do I use Equation C-2b to calculate the annual average high heating value (HHV) of my fuel if the rule requires sampling less frequently than monthly? |
754 | Q754 | Subpart W | When are Best Available Monitoring Method (BAMM) requests due for Subpart W reporters? |
755 | Q755 | Subpart HH | How are data reported in the previous reporting year carried over into the current year reports? |
756 | Q756 | Subpart FF | Do I need to calculate the moisture content of the methane emitted from my coal mine? |
757 | Q757 | General | I registered my facility in eGGRT, but my facility has never been subject to Part 98. What should I do? I’d like to stop getting email communications from EPA about the GHG Reporting Program. |
758 | Q758 | Subpart A | My facility does not have a physical street address. How do I report my latitude and longitude to EPA? |
759 | Q759 | Subpart A | My facility does not have a physical street address thus, a latitude and longitude is reported as the address on the COR. If the facility's operations have moved do I need to update the facility’s latitude and longitude on the COR? |
760 | Q760 | Subpart D | Is an electric generating unit (EGU) that has a new unit exemption from the Acid Rain Program (40 CFR 72.7) subject to Subpart D? If not, is it subject to subpart C? |
761 | Q761 | Subpart D | How do I report emissions from a new electric generating unit (EGU) that started operations during the reporting year, but did not have the CEMS certified by December 31? |
762 | Q762 | Subpart N | Are subpart N reporters able to use a default assumption of 1.0 in Equation N-1 for determining calcination fraction of carbonate-based raw materials charged to glass melting furnaces? How does this impact monitoring? |
764 | Q764 | GHG Data & Publication | Why does FLIGHT show a smaller number of suppliers of petroleum products (Subpart MM) in 2010 and 2011 than subsequent years? |
765 | Q765 | Subpart W | How do I determine “actual” temperature and pressure in emission calculations? |
766 | Q766 | Subpart W | What are the requirements for determining the GHG mole fraction for emission calculations when a continuous gas composition analyzer is not available? |
767 | Q767 | Subpart W | What are the requirements for determining the volume of gas sent to a flare? |
768 | Q768 | Subpart W | What types of instruments are permissible for use in detecting equipment leaks and through valve leakage in Subpart W? |
769 | Q769 | Subpart W | If a facility does not have a gas-to-oil ratio (GOR) value for a well, what options are available to facilities in order to determine the GOR for associated gas venting and flaring? |
770 | Q770 | Subpart FF | Do I have to keep reporting for an underground coal mine that liberates more than 36.5 million cubic feet of methane per year making it subject to subpart FF but whose total annual emissions from all sources are less than 25,000 metric tons CO2e? |
771 | Q771 | GHG Data & Publication | What is the difference between the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission data reported by electric generating units (EGUs) to EPA’s Clean Air Markets Division (CAMD) under Part 75 and to EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program under Subpart D of Part 98? |
772 | Q772 | GHG Data & Publication | What are the differences in the universe of electricity generating units (EGUs) that report Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions to EPA’s Clean Air Markets Division (CAMD) under Part 75 and to EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program under Part 98? |
774 | Q774 | Subpart MM | I'm trying to submit data for subpart MM for RY2013, where are tabs 1 (Measurement Method) and 6 (Crude Oil)? |
775 | Q775 | Subpart MM | The Crude Oil tab is gone on the RY2013 reporting form, where do I report the quantity of Crude Oil entering my refinery? |
776 | Q776 | Subpart MM | The Global Warming Potentials (GWPs) for greenhouse gases in the rule have changed. Does this impact my reporting for Subpart MM? |
777 | Q777 | Subpart MM | I have a unit that operates continuously and am not able to complete a calibration of the flow meter without disrupting normal operations. Can I postpone the calibration until the next scheduled maintenance? |
779 | Q779 | Subpart HH | How do I calculate the collection efficiency for a site where extraction wells were installed in only one third of the landfill but had additional wells installed to cover the entire landfill during the second half of the year? |
781 | Q781 | Subpart HH | Is there an operational hour threshold when calculating fDest for startup operations of a destruction device? |
782 | Q782 | Subpart HH | What does the majority of the landfill refer to when determining which oxidation fraction to use in Table HH-4? |
783 | Q783 | Subpart HH | My facility has more than one landfill gas collection system and the operating hours for the systems are not the same. How should we report the annual operating hours for multiple landfill gas collection systems? |
784 | Q784 | Subpart HH | For a facility with two landfills with separate gas collection systems and destruction devices, can I calculate a collection efficiency (CE) for each landfill gas collection and control system, or does the CE have to represent the entire facility? |
785 | Q785 | Subpart HH | When can I use a collection efficiency (CE) of 75% from Table HH-3? |
786 | Q786 | Subpart HH | How should I report substitute data for the annual volume of landfill gas collected and/or the annual average methane concentration of the landfill gas collected? |
787 | Q787 | Subpart II | What equations do I use to calculate emissions for processes without recovery? |
788 | Q788 | Subpart II | What equations do I use to calculate emissions for processes with recovery? |
791 | Q791 | Subpart II | What is the difference between an Anaerobic Sludge Digester and an Anaerobic Reactor? |
792 | Q792 | Subpart II | Should I submit my calculations and calculation spreadsheets to EPA? |
793 | Q793 | Subpart II | What if my process only has recovery for part of the year? |
794 | Q794 | Subpart II | If I have multiple anaerobic lagoons, do I need to report for each one? |
795 | Q795 | Subpart AA | May I enter zero for pulp production? |
796 | Q796 | Subpart AA | What CH4 and N2O emission factors apply for kraft lime kilns and calciners under Subpart AA? |
798 | Q798 | GHG Data & Publication | When is a facility eligible to stop reporting? |
799 | Q799 | GHG Data & Publication | What are the global warming potentials (GWPs) used in publication of GHGRP data? |
800 | Q800 | GHG Data & Publication | What factors could have influenced greenhouse gas trends? |
802 | Q802 | GHG Data & Publication | Which facilities are given an orange facility symbol in FLIGHT? |
806 | Q806 | GHG Data & Publication | Why do trend lines in FLIGHT not include data reported in 2010? |
808 | Q808 | Subpart A | My facility has had ownership changes occur in the past few years. Who is responsible for reporting inputs to emissions equations that were deferred from reporting until 2015 for previous years? |
809 | Q809 | Subpart W | What are the current BAMM provisions for reporting year 2015? |
810 | Q810 | GHG Data & Publication | How do I turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer version 9 or later? |
811 | Q811 | Subpart A | A GHGRP facility is being sold by my company to another company. My company does not want to be responsible for monitoring GHG data or submitting annual reports after the sale. What should we do? |
812 | Q812 | Subpart FF | My facility is using MSHA data to report ventilation air methane emissions. I am having difficulty interpreting the MSHA report. Is any guidance available on how to correctly interpret MSHA data to report VAM to the GHGRP? |
813 | Q813 | Subpart W | What are the optional delayed reporting requirements for wildcat wells and delineation wells? |
814 | Q814 | GHG Data & Publication | How do I reference the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program in a manuscript? |
815 | Q815 | Subpart W | Do I need to update my Subpart W deferred data submission(s) if I resubmit an annual report for RY2011, 2012 or 2013? |
816 | Q816 | Subpart W | Per FAQ 815, I need to update my Subpart W deferred data submission(s) after I have resubmitted an annual report for RY2011, 2012 or 2013. How do I do it? |
817 | Q817 | Subpart C | Do enclosed flare systems have to report emissions under 40 CFR part 98 subpart C? |
819 | Q819 | GHG Data & Publication | How are aggregate CO2 totals associated with supplied products determined for petroleum product producers and natural gas liquids fractionators? |
820 | Q820 | Subpart W | What data were reported by petroleum and natural gas systems facilities for the first time as part of the Reporting Year 2014 submittal? |
822 | Q822 | Subpart W | How should a gathering and boosting facility that previously reporting under Subpart C report in RY2016? |
823 | Q823 | Subpart A | Who is eligible to discontinue complying with the GHGRP using the “offramp”? |
824 | Q824 | Subpart A | What must I do if I discover a substantive error in an annual GHG report? |
825 | Q825 | Subpart W | How do I determine the gas to oil ratio (GOR) for my gathering pipelines? |
826 | Q826 | Subpart W | My gathering pipeline has a GOR less than 300 scf/STB, so it is not part of the Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Gathering and Boosting segment. Does the exemption only apply to the pipeline itself, or is all equipment along the pipeline excluded as well? |
827 | Q827 | Subpart W | How do I determine the gas to oil ratio (GOR) for my oil well operations to decide whether I need to report emissions from completions and workovers of oil wells with hydraulic fracturing? |
828 | Q828 | Subpart W | Can facilities covered by the Subpart W Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Gathering and Boosting industry segment use Subpart C emission factors for calculating combustion emissions? |
829 | Q829 | Subpart W | What are the Subpart W BAMM provisions for reporting year 2016? |
830 | Q830 | Subpart A | Will the change to the missing data provisions in Subpart A of the December 9, 2016 rule greatly increase reporting burden? |
831 | Q831 | Subpart DD | Can “hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear” under Subpart DD in 40 CFR Part 98 be interpreted consistently with the definitions of “hermetically sealed gas-insulated switchgear” adopted by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MDEP) and the California Air Resources Board (CARB)? |
847 | Q847 | Subpart A | What should I do if my facility merged into another facility? |
848 | Q848 | Subpart TT | How should I calculate and report GHG emissions from pulp and paper waste streams present at my facility under Subpart TT? |
849 | Q849 | Subpart Q | What is the equation to calculate CO2 emissions from an electric arc furnace (Equation Q-5) for Iron and Steel Production facilities (Subpart Q)? |
850 | Q850 | Subpart NN | For local distribution companies (LDCs) how are the subpart NN end-use categories for residential, commercial and industrial consumers and electricity generating facilities defined? How do those definitions compare with those on the Energy Information Administration’s Form EIA-176? Should the gas volumes an LDC reports to EPA include all gas delivered or just the gas owned by the LDC? |
851 | Q851 | Subpart C | My aggregation of units/common pipe configuration only contains a few units with a maximum rated heat input capacity ≥ 10 million British thermal units per hour (mmbtu/hr). What should be entered for cumulative maximum rated heat input capacity of the aggregated units? If I only enter the heat input capacity for those units ≥ 10, I receive a data validation error regarding potential-to-emit. |
852 | Q852 | Subpart DD | What equipment should be included as new or retired equipment each year for Subpart DD? |
853 | Q853 | GHG Data & Publication | When was GHGRP (FLIGHT) data published in the past? |
854 | Q854 | GHG Data & Publication | How did the COVID-19 pandemic impact greenhouse gas emissions reported to EPA in 2020? |
855 | Q855 | Subpart HH | How does a user create fDest in e-GGRT such that it appears on the page “LANDFILL GAS MEASURMENT LOCATIONS” with the user’s desired fractional value? |
856 | Q856 | Subpart W | Are unintentional natural gas releases such as those resulting from accidental releases from transmission pipelines or well blowouts subject to reporting under the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP)? |
857 | Q857 | Subpart P | What hydrogen production process units must report under subpart P starting RY2025? |
858 | Q858 | Subpart W | Under Calculation Method 2 for pneumatic devices, which is an available option beginning with Reporting Year 2024, must a device that is zero bleed except for actuation during emergencies and other unintended events (e.g., a wellhead emergency shutdown device) be forced to actuate in order to measure the emissions? |
859 | Q859 | Subpart W | Are visual inspections still required for thief hatches if a visual inspection is unsafe to perform due to the contents of the storage tank? |
860 | Q860 | Subpart W | Can EPA clarify which liquid throughput quantities in 40 CFR 98.236(aa) are required to be measured via flow meters? |
861 | Q861 | Subpart W | How are owners/operators expected to review facility data for the purposes of identifying Other Large Release Events? |