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{longname} Q184. Can facilities with manure management systems report under the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program?

A184. EPA is not implementing subpart JJ (Manure Management) of 40 CFR part 98  using funds provided in its FY2010 appropriations or Continuing  Appropriations Act, 2011 (Public Law 111-242), due to a Congressional  restriction prohibiting the expenditure of funds for this purpose. 40  CFR 98.5 requires that "\[e\]ach GHG report and certificate of  representation for a facility or supplier must be submitted  electronically in accordance with the requirements of §98.4 and in a  format to be specified by the Administrator." Although the electronic  Greenhouse Gas Reporting Tool (e-GGRT) is available for reporters  subject to Part 98 to register their facilities and submit Certificates  of Representation, consistent with the Congressional restriction, e-GGRT  has not been built out with step-by-step forms to support unit and  facility level reporting requirements for subpart JJ. All reporters will  have the option to submit the annual GHG report in the e-GGRT  Extensible Markup Language (XML) reporting schema format. Consistent  with the Congressional restriction, although the XML reporting schema  includes the general reporting requirements of subpart A for all  facilities, it does not include subpart JJ-specific requirements.  Therefore, facilities that contain the manure management source category  could use the XML reporting schema to meet the general reporting  requirements of subpart A, however, the XML schema will not contain  subpart JJ specific reporting requirements. EPA has not developed an  electronic system to report subpart JJ specific requirements.

{show-to:group=confluence-Users}{center}{_}Footer / References Bar which is Visible to the public{_}{center}{show-to}
{panel}Updated on {page-info:modified-date|dateformat=dd/MM/YY HH:mm}{panel}               
Source: This question and answer was derived from a Legacy FAQ

Approval / Publishing History: Version 1 

Expiration : Nonenone 

Relevant Subparts:  Subpart JJ
{info}{center}{_}History Panel For Internal Use - Not Visible to the Public{_}{center}{show-to}

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