Using Cal e-GGRT to Prepare Your Subpart Y Report
Note: The Cal e-GGRT help system includes general instruction on using the California GHG reporting tool. However, the help system may not explain differences between California and U.S. EPA reporting requirements. Please refer to the ARB reporting website for California-specific reporting requirements and additional help.

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Subpart Y consists of facilities that produce gasoline, gasoline blending stocks, naphtha, kerosene, distillate fuel oils, residual fuel oils, lubricants, or asphalt (bitumen) by the distillation of petroleum or the redistillation, cracking, or reforming of unfinished petroleum derivatives.

This page provides an overview of subtopics that are central to Subpart Y reporting:

The end of the page contains links you can use for more information on these topics.


If you are using a Best Available Monitoring Method (BAMM) in accordance with the rule in place of a method in Subpart Y, you should select the "Other" option in the method menu and write "BAMM" or "Best Available Monitoring Method" in the corresponding text box. Details regarding BAMM methods used should be included in Subpart A.

Subpart Y Summary Information for this Facility
Subpart Y Summary Information for this Facility

Subpart Y Summary Information for this Facility

Subpart Y requires you to report the following data about your facility:

  • The annual CO2 emissions from sour gas sent off-site for sulfur recovery
  • The annual CH4 emissions from the following sources:
    • Uncontrolled Blowdown Systems
    • Equipment Leaks
    • Loading Operations
    • Storage Tanks
    • Delayed Coking

Subpart Y Delayed Coking Unit Information
Subpart Y Delayed Coking Unit Information

Subpart Y Delayed Coking Unit Information

Subpart Y requires you to report the following data for each delayed coking unit at your facility:

  • A unique name or identifier, plus optional description. See also About Unique Unit Names
  • Method used to calculate the CH4 emissions

Subpart Y requires you to report the following data for each coking drum at your facility:

  • A unique name or identifier, plus optional description. See also About Unique Unit Names
  • Typical drum outage in feet (i.e. unfilled distance from the top of the drum)

Subpart Y Asphalt Blowing Unit Information
Subpart Y Asphalt Blowing Unit Information

Subpart Y Asphalt Blowing Unit Information

Excerpt Include
calhelp:Subpart Y Asphalt Blowing Unit Information
calhelp:Subpart Y Asphalt Blowing Unit Information

Subpart Y Coke Calcining Unit Information
Subpart Y Coke Calcining Unit Information

Subpart Y Coke Calcining Unit Information

Excerpt Include
calhelp:Subpart Y Coke Calcining Unit Information
calhelp:Subpart Y Coke Calcining Unit Information

Subpart Y Catalytic Cracking, Fluid Coking, and Catalytic Reforming Unit Information
Subpart Y Catalytic Cracking, Fluid Coking, and Catalytic Reforming Unit Information

Subpart Y Catalytic Cracking, Fluid Coking, and Catalytic Reforming Unit Information

Subpart Y collects the following data about your Catalytic Cracking, Fluid Coking, or Catalytic Reforming unit:

  • A unique name or identifier, plus optional description for this unit (see also About Unique Unit Names)
  • Specify the type of unit:
    • Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit
    • Thermal Catalytic Cracking Unit
    • Traditional Fluid Coking Unit
    • Catalytic Reforming Unit
    • Fluid Coking Unit with Flexicoking Design (see note below)
  • An indication whether each unit is monitored by a CEMS

For Catalytic Reforming Units, if you are using Equation Y-11, please enter your average coke burn-off quantity (kg coke / cycle or kg coke / measurement period) in the "Description (optional)" text box on the Unit Information page. If using equation Y-11, average coke burn-off quantity is a required reporting element. The only location where this information can be submitted is in the "Description (optional)" field on the Unit Information page.

For Fluid Coking Units with Flexicoking Design, you will be asked if the GHG emissions from the low heat value gas are accounted for in Subpart C.

  • If your answer to this question is 'yes', you are only required to report maximum rated throughput of the fluid coking unit with flexicoking design
  • If your answer to this question is 'no', you are required to report maximum rated throughput of the fluid coking unit with flexicoking design and the methods used to calculate emissions per the sections below

For Catalytic Cracking or Coking units that are NOT monitored by CEMS, Subpart Y also collects the following data:

  • Maximum rated throughput of the unit (bbl per stream day)
  • Method used to calculate CO2 emissions (only appears if you select No for using a CEMS):
    • 98.253(c)(2) - Equation Y-6 and continuous monitor for flow (but not meeting the CEMS monitoring requirements of 98.253(c)(1); e.g., not meeting the full CEMS quality assurance requirements)
    • 98.253(c)(2) - Equation Y-6 and Y-7a
    • 98.253(c)(2) - Equation Y-6 and Y-7b
    • 98.253(c)(3) - Equation Y-8 (option appears only for Catalytic Cracking or Coking units; available only for catalytic cracking units and fluid coking units with rated capacities of 10,000 barrels per stream day (bbls/sd) or less that do not use a continuous CO2 CEMS for the final exhaust stack)
    • 98.253(e)(3) - Equation Y-11 (option appears only for Catalytic Reforming units)
  • Method used to calculate CH4 emissions:
    • Equation Y-9
    • Unit-specific measurement data
    • A unit-specific emission factor based on a source test of the unit
  • Method used to calculate N2O emissions:
    • Equation Y-10
    • Unit-specific measurement data
    • A unit-specific emission factor based on a source test of the unit

For Catalytic Cracking or Coking units that are monitored by CEMS, Subpart Y also collects the following data:

  • Maximum rated throughput of the unit (bbl per stream day)
  • Method used to calculate CH4 emissions:
    • Equation Y-9
    • Unit-specific measurement data
    • A unit-specific emission factor based on a source test of the unit
  • Method used to calculate N2O emissions:
    • Equation Y-10
    • Unit-specific measurement data
    • A unit-specific emission factor based on a source test of the unit

Subpart Y Flares Unit Information
Subpart Y Flares Unit Information

Subpart Y Flares Unit Information

Excerpt Include
calhelp:Subpart Y Flares Unit Information
calhelp:Subpart Y Flares Unit Information

Subpart Y Process Vents Unit Information
Subpart Y Process Vents Unit Information

Subpart Y Process Vents Unit Information

Subpart Y collects the following data about your Process Vent unit:

  • A unique name or identifier, plus optional description for this process vent unit (see also About Unique Unit Names):
  • Operation type associated with this process vent:
  • Control device used to reduce methane (and other organic) emissions from the unit:
  • Annual volumetric flow discharged to the atmosphere (scf)
  • Method used to measure or estimate the annual volumetric flow rate:
  • Number of venting events, if vent is intermittent
  • Cumulative venting time (hours)
  • Greenhouse gases to report for this process vent. Select any combination of CO2, CH4 or N2O. CO2 emissions must be reported if the process vent contains greater than 2 percent by volume CO2 or greater. CH4 emissions must be reported if the process vent contains 0.5 percent by volume of CH4 or greater. N2O emissions must be reported if the process vent contains 0.01 percent by volume of N2O or greater.

Subpart Y collects the following data if CO2 is being reported for this Process Vent:

  • Annual CO2 emissions from this process vent (metric tons).
  • Annual average mole fraction of CO2
  • Method used to measure or estimate the annual average mole fraction of CO2:

Subpart Y collects the following data if CH4 is being reported for this Process Vent:

  • Annual CH4 emissions from this process vent (metric tons).
  • Annual average mole fraction of CH4
  • Method used to measure or estimate the annual average mole fraction of CH4:

Subpart Y collects the following data if N2O is being reported for this Process Vent:

  • Annual N2O emissions from this process vent (metric tons).
  • Annual average mole fraction of N2O
  • Method used to measure or estimate the annual average mole fraction of N2O:

Subpart Y Sulfur Recovery Plant Information
Subpart Y Sulfur Recovery Plant Information

Subpart Y Sulfur Recovery Plant Information

Excerpt Include
calhelp:Subpart Y Sulfur Recovery Plant Information
calhelp:Subpart Y Sulfur Recovery Plant Information

Subpart Y Emissions Information for Process Units Monitored by CEMS
Subpart Y Emissions Information for Process Units Monitored by CEMS

Subpart Y Emissions Information for Process Units Monitored by CEMS

For each CEMS Monitoring Location, provide the following information:

  • A unique unit name or identifier for the CML (see also About Unique Unit Names)
  • An optional description or label for the CML
  • The configuration of processes or process units that are monitored by the CML:
    • Single industrial process or process unit that exhausts to a dedicated stack
    • Multiple industrial processes or process units share a common stack
    • Industrial process or process unit shares a common stack with one or more stationary fuel combustion units
  • The name of each fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS
  • The Tier 4/CEMS methodology start and end dates
  • The cumulative total of hourly CO2 mass emissions for each quarter of the reporting year (in metric tons) (Do not cumulate emissions data between quarters)
  • The total annual CO2 mass emissions measured by the CEMS (in metric tons)
  • An indication whether emissions reported for the CEMS include emissions calculated according to 98.33(a)(4)(viii) for a slipstream that bypassed the CEMS
  • The total annual biogenic CO2 emissions from the combustion of all biomass fuels combined (in metric tons) (if applicable)
  • The total annual non-biogenic CO2 emissions (includes fossil fuel, sorbent, and process CO2 emissions, in metric tons)
  • The total annual CH4 and N2O emissions associated with the combustion of all Table C-2 fuels combusted in all processes/process units monitored by the CEMS derived from application of Equation C-10 (in metric tons) (if there are no combustion emissions in this CML, please enter zero)
  • The total number of source operating hours in the reporting year
  • The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for the CO2 concentration parameter
  • The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for the stack gas flow rate parameter
  • If moisture correction is required and a continuous moisture monitor is used, the total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for the stack gas moisture content parameter
  • An indication of the process units monitored by the CML
  • The CO2 emissions from this CEMS Monitoring Location that are attributable to process CO2 emissions from this process unit (metric tons).

Subpart Y Validation Report
Subpart Y Validation Report

Subpart Y Validation Report

Excerpt Include
calhelp:Subpart Validation Report
calhelp:Subpart Validation Report

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See Also

Screen Errors
Using Cal e-GGRT to Prepare Your Subpart Y Report
Subpart Y Summary Information for this Facility
Subpart Y Delayed Coking Unit Information
Subpart Y Asphalt Blowing Unit Information
Subpart Y Coke Calcining Unit Information
Subpart Y Catalytic Cracking, Fluid Coking, and Catalytic Reforming Unit Information
Subpart Y Flares Unit Information
Subpart Y Process Vents Unit Information
Subpart Y Sulfur Recovery Plant Information
Subpart Y Emissions Information for Process Units Monitored by CEMS
Subpart Validation Report

This web site is maintained by a contractor to the California Air Resources Board (RY2015.R.03)