e-GGRT Home Help

Facilities and suppliers subject to the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) must register online through e-GGRT. Registration is a one-time, multi-step process, and may involve several individuals associated with the facility/supplier. All participants in the facility/supplier registration process must register first as an e-GGRT user. Any individual can begin the registration process in e-GGRT by identifying the Designated Representative (DR) for the facility/supplier, and (optionally) identifying its Alternate Designated Representative (ADR) and Agents.

e-GGRT implements three different roles for users, which are specified in 40 CFR 98. These roles are described as follows:

  • Designated Representative: The DR is the individual who is responsible for certifying, signing and submitting reports and other information on behalf of the owners and operators of the facility/supplier. The DR is identified on the Certificate of Representation. Every facility/supplier must submit a complete Certificate of Representation at least 60 days before the reporting deadline. In order to meet this deadline you must start the registration process at least 10 days in advance to allow time for EPA processing. If the facility is required to report emissions data under CFR Part 75 (CAMD Business System), the DR must be the same individual who has been appointed as DR under Part 75. After EPA reviews the appointment of the DR, the DR must log in to e-GGRT to accept his/her appointment. The DR may then appoint (or confirm the appointment of) an ADR and one or more Agents who can act on his/her behalf.
  • Alternate Designated Representative: The DR may appoint an ADR to act on his or her behalf. After EPA reviews the DR’s appointment of the ADR, the ADR must log in to e-GGRT to accept his or her appointment. The ADR may then appoint (or confirm the appointment of) one or more Agents who can act on his or her behalf.
  • Agent: An Agent is an individual to whom the DR or ADR has delegated responsibility for preparing and submitting reports on behalf of the facility/supplier. After EPA approves the DR/ADR’s appointment of an Agent, the Agent must log in to e-GGRT to accept his or her appointment. After the Agent accepts the appointment, the DR/ADR must then log in to e-GGRT to sign an electronic Notice of Delegation confirming his/her appointment of the Agent.

Note: Both the ADR and Agent are optional.

Note: In e-GGRT, the DR, ADR, and Agent all have the same ability to access, view, enter and submit data for their facility or supplier.

This web site is maintained by a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (RY2024.R.01)