Revoking a Pending ADR Appointment

If the Certificate of Representation (COR) is "Pending" due to an unused Alternate Designated Representative (ADR) invitation/acceptance code, thus preventing 1) changes to the facility or supplier's representatives or 2) changes to the facility or supplier's profile, the Designated Representative (DR) may remove the ADR via the Facility Summary page.

To revoke the ADR invitation, the DR should login to e-GGRT and click the FACILITY MANAGEMENT tab.

Next, the DR should click on the facility name to view the the Facility Summary page.

On the Facility Summary page, the DR should click on the "Invitation Options" link located on the right side of the page.

Click this link to expand

In the PENDING INVITATION OPTIONS section, the DR should click on the "Revoke Invitation" link.

Click this link to expand

After the DR has clicked on the link, the Facility Summary page will refresh and the updated status of the COR will be displayed.

Click this link to expand

Once the COR status is "Signed and Complete", changes may be made to the facility or supplier's representatives or profile.

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