Q: How do I retrieve my lost or forgotten Cal e-GGRT user name?
A: If you have lost or forgotten your Cal e-GGRT user name, you can retrieve it as follows:
- Click on the "Forgot your User Name" link on the Cal e-GGRT login page.
- Enter the email address you entered in the Contact Information portion of your user profile during user registration, and click SUBMIT.
- Enter the answer to your secret question and click SUBMIT.
- CAL E-GGRT will send an e-mail message containing your Cal e-GGRT user name to the email address associated with your Cal e-GGRT account. If you do not receive the email within a few minutes, you may want to check your spam or junk mail folder.
Q: How do I retrieve a lost or forgotten Cal e-GGRT password?
A: If you have lost or forgotten your Cal e-GGRT password, you can reset it as follows:
- Click on the "Forgot your Password" link on the Cal e-GGRT login page.
- Enter your Cal e-GGRT user name and click SUBMIT.
- Enter the answer to your secret question and click SUBMIT.
- Cal E-GGRT will send an email message containing a single-use password to the email address associated with your Cal e-GGRT account. If you do not receive the email within a few minutes, you may want to check your spam or junk mail folder. Use the one-time password to log in to Cal e-GGRT.
- After you log in, Cal e-GGRT will require you to change your password. To change your password, enter the one-time password, your new password, confirm the new password, and click Save. You will be returned to the My Profile page. Your password change is complete.
Q: How do I reset an expired Cal e-GGRT password?
A: If your password has expired, Cal e-GGRT will require you to change it. To change your password, follow the same procedure as described above for retrieving a lost or forgotten Cal e-GGRT password.
Q: What are the requirements for my password?
A: Your password must meet these requirements:
- Your password must be 8 to 15 characters long and contain at least one number, one uppercase and one lowercase letter.
- Your password cannot start or end with a number.
- Your password cannot contain spaces, symbols, your user name or the word "password".
- Your password cannot be reused until 10 password changes have occurred.
- Your password cannot be reused within 811 days from its last use.
Q: How do I reset my locked Cal e-GGRT Account?
A: If Cal e-GGRT tells you that your account is locked, contact the Cal e-GGRT Help desk.
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