Subpart C Fuel Identification Information
Note: The Cal e-GGRT help system includes general instruction on using the California GHG reporting tool. However, the help system may not explain differences between California and U.S. EPA reporting requirements. Please refer to the ARB reporting website for California-specific reporting requirements and additional help.

The text below describes how to enter subpart C Stationary Fuel Combustion Sources fuel identification information for each configuration type. The process to edit fuel information for an existing configuration type is essentially similar.

Click image to expand

Starting on the Subpart C Overview page, find the configuration type for which you would like to enter emissions information in the CONFIGURATION-LEVEL SUMMARY table and click GO.

Click image to expand

To add a fuel type for this configuration, click the “ADD a Fuel” link below the FUEL EMISSIONS INFORMATION table.

Click image to expand

For configurations of all types, subpart C requires you to identify the following for each configuration:

  • The fuel types combusted during the reporting year [98.36(b)(4), 98.36(c)(1)(v), 98.36(c)(2)(iv), 98.36(c)(3)(iv), 98.36(d)(2)(ii)(A), and 98.36(d)(2)(iii)(A)]

If a configuration type is selected that uses Tiers 1, 2, or 3, you will be required to specify which equation is used to calculate CO2 emissions. By identifying which equation is used to calculate emissions, e-GGRT is able to determine which data reporting elements are required for each fuel type.

For Configurations of Type 1 (single unit using Tiers 1, 2, or 3), Type 3 (aggregation of units), and Type 4 (common pipe), subpart C requires you to identify the methods used to calculate emissions for each fuel type. Include the following information for each fuel type combusted in the unit:

  • Calculation methodology start date and end date, for each fuel type [98.36(b)(6)-(7), 98.36(c)(1)(viii)-(ix), 98.36(c)(3)(viii)-(ix)]
  • Calculation methodology used for the emissions calculation period specified, for each fuel type [98.36(b)(5), 98.36(c)(1)(vii), 98.36(c)(3)(v)]:
    • Tier 1/Equation C-1: Annual fuel combusted, default heating value, and default CO2 emission factor
    • Tier 1/Equation C-1a: Annual natural gas usage from billing records (therms) and default CO2 emission factor
    • Tier 1/Equation C-1b: Annual natural gas usage from billing records (mmBtu) and default CO2 emission factor
    • Tier 2/Equation C-2a: Annual fuel combusted, measured heating value, and default CO2 emission factor
    • Tier 2/Equation C-2c: Steam generation, ratio of maximum rated heat input capacity to design rated steam output capacity, and default CO2 emission factor (for MSW and solid fuels listed in Table C-1))
    • Tier 3/Equation C-3: Annual mass of solid fuel combusted and average carbon content of the solid fuel
    • Tier 3/Equation C-4: Annual mass of liquid fuel combusted and average carbon content of the liquid fuel
    • Tier 3/Equation C-5: Annual volume of gaseous fuel combusted, average carbon content of the gaseous fuel, and average molecular weight of the gaseous fuel
  • The user should refer to 98.33(b) to determine which Tier is required for each fuel type at the configuration.

Use the radio buttons to select a fuel type for this unit or group.

When finished, click SAVE.

To add a fuel type that is not listed, click “ADD an Other Fuel or Blend.”

Click image to expand

Use the text box and drop-down menu to enter the fuel name and fuel type.

When finished, click SAVE.

Click image to expand

Use the text boxes and radio buttons to enter the required information.

When finished, click SAVE.

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See Also

Screen Errors
Using Cal e-GGRT to Prepare Your Subpart C Report
Subpart C Configurations
Subpart C Configuration-level Emissions Information
Subpart C Fuel-Level Emissions Information
Subpart Validation Report

This web site is maintained by a contractor to the California Air Resources Board (RY2015.R.03)