Basic User Registration
Note: The Cal e-GGRT help system includes general instruction on using the California GHG reporting tool. However, the help system may not explain differences between California and U.S. EPA reporting requirements. Please refer to the ARB reporting website for California-specific reporting requirements and additional help.

A printer-friendly version (pdf) (13 pp, 1,837K) of the Basic User Registration and Profile

Anyone who intends to use Cal e-GGRT to register a facility/supplier or serve as its Designated Representative (DR), Alternate Designated Representative (ADR) or Agent must first register as an Cal e-GGRT user. Follow the instructions on the page to create a user profile and set your user name, password and security questions.

All Cal e-GGRT users have an Electronic Signature Agreement on file with ARB. For most users, this requires you to create your Electronic Signature Agreement using Cal e-GGRT, then print it, sign it, date it, and mail it to ARB. After ARB receives and processes your Electronic Signature Agreement, ARB will send an account activation notice to the email address in your user profile. You will then be able to log in to Cal e-GGRT and begin the facility/supplier registration process.



January 2012

Beta Testing of ARB's new GHG Reporting tool Cal e-GGRT

February 1

Regulatory deadline: Due date for electric power entities to register specified facilities outside California

February 2012

Registering reporters to Cal e-GGRT data system

February 23

Anticipated online public release of Cal e-GGRT

March 2012

Training for re-accreditation of current ARB verifiers on new regulation requirements

April 10

Regulatory deadline: Reporting deadline for facilities and suppliers of fuels and carbon dioxide, except when subject to abbreviated reporting

April - June 2012

Verifier training for new verifiers to receive ARB accreditation

June 1

Regulatory deadline: Reporting deadline for electric power entities and those subject to abbreviated reporting

July 15

Regulatory deadline: Deadline for corrections to RPS Adjustment data required for electric power entity data reports

September 1

Regulatory deadline: Final verification statements due (emissions data and product data)

This web site is maintained by a contractor to the California Air Resources Board (RY2015.R.03)