Basic User Registration

Anyone who intends to use e-GGRT to register a facility/supplier or serve as its Designated Representative (DR), Alternate Designated Representative (ADR) or Agent must first register as an e-GGRT user. Follow the instructions on the page to create your user account.

If you already have an active CDX user account, you will need to complete an abbreviated e-GGRT user registration process. To do this, navigate to the e-GGRT login page, log in with your existing CDX user name, then follow the instructions on the page to complete your e-GGRT user account setup. If you are unable to login using your CDX user name, then you'll need to create an e-GGRT user account by clicking the "Create your e-GGRT account" link on the login page.

All e-GGRT users must have an Electronic Signature and Use Agreement (ESA) on file with EPA. Your options are: 1) electronically sign the ESA or; 2) print and submit a hard copy of the ESA.

After your ESA has been approved (either through the electronic identity proofing process or after EPA receives and processes the hard copy of your ESA), EPA will send an account activation notice to the email address in your user profile. You will then be able to log in to e-GGRT and begin the facility registration process.

For more information addressing Basic User Registration please refer to the following pages:

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This web site is maintained by a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (RY2024.R.01)